Thursday, July 2, 2015

[(Urgent.)] Tony tells all: The Evidence.

[(Urgent.)] Tony tells all: The Evidence.

Anthony to-night told me some thing in one line that corrob-
borated every thing I sus-
pected about you and Kresten.
He said: May be she was just a bad girl. His faith stays, naturally. But I con-
Demned him as mysoginistic [sic fuck].
And then he said the Fate full words:
That’s what Kresten said. He said she was a bad girl.

He went on to say that you had turned out to be ‘more dymonik’ than he had initially expected. You have no idea, Alanna. No idea how much force I could use to snap his lights out right now. The truth is that I have never hated a single person that has only hurt me.
Not even the psychiatrist.
Not even Ally’s mom. I des-
pized them. But I did not Hate them.

That is my Kardinal virtue (to cite that terrible book THE GREAT GATSBY. I still keep my hand-written letters to you in my copy of it. I read bits of it that Sunday Night. I wrote a poem that referenced it. Tonight feels like an extension of that night my [sicly] body is a razor with a million volts of eccentricity.): I only hate the people who have hurt people that I Love. And

in pursuit of their own self-interest.

Of course. He could have never loved you. I told the bastard to study the Anima. Agh! I could break his fucking knees for you. [Keep reading please.]
It was *HE* that saw you to be an immaculate angel. Yet it was HE that was diss-
appointed by you.

It ALL MAKES SENSE NOW. Your entire be-

1.       The insecurity about your body.
2.       The insecurity about your relationship w/r/t him.
3.       Your general insecurity.
4.       His neglect of you. Particularly on your <very own> Birth-day.
5.       Your sense that I would idealise you. (as he did)
6.       Your sense that you would disappoint me (as he was, both diss-
appointing and disappointed.)
7.       Your tendency to blame your self and to brag about your own power.
(Shame = Pride. He shamed you and blamed you (see foot-note bel[l]ow); you took pride on it.
You blamed me be-

*May be as a causal result of his own being a Kunt.

cause I made my self Karnikally Available.


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