Friday, June 23, 2017


You know, I’m tired of your lying. You keep going on about these adolescent delusions like you expect me to believe them. You honestly are trying to get me to believe that there are people at this moment who would sooner GOSSIP about me than to address a concern with me directly. And you seem to suggest that these same people are out of high school, have in many cases graduated from some educational establishment of some repute, and accrue enough funds to sustain an apartment, and to add to this they are sexually active, at great risk of reproduction! So you mean to tell me, BASICALLY, that ADULTS are talking ABOUT me, maybe at this VERY MOMENT, and about what? Truth? Justice? Honour? No. “Convention”. I don’t know if you are trying feebly to delude me or to delude yourself, but you are pushing the ROMANTIC notion that these “adults” are prone towards the Fallacy of Naturalism: that because things ARE a certain way they SHOULD BE a certain way. And now these people – in their TWENTIES – seek to find their Solidarity NOT in Rational Discussion with the person that they find fault with, in a state of total vulnerability, but RATHER in this state of collective, magickal Tribal Thinking that is, to my mind, totally devoid of Reason. YOU MEAN to tell ME that these people that SUSPICIOUSLY never speak up about the things that you are saying are in fact secretly harbouring some fearful PREJUDICE against me, likening me to a serial murderer even as they carry out the BIDDING of serial murderers, filling JOBS for CORPORATIONS and elevating that sin to not only a VIRTUE, but to a REQUIREMENT. And they call ME the danger?! I am the one fighting this battle!! They have not even yet stepped out into the Light! How else can one explain the PREJUDICE that the man out in the FIELD is by his very nature a Villain – no, THE Villain? ENOUGH. No one is so stupid to do so, so do not think that *I* will be so stupid or so ARROGANT as to believe it. There is nothing special about me save for that which abides in All Human Beings. They are ALL my allies in this fight.


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