Sunday, June 4, 2017


In the beginning there was Nothing. The Godhead was alone in his abode. He had no friends, no lovers, no adventures. Every thing was dark and dank. One day, he decided to go on an adventure. So The Godhead said: let there be light! And the Universe was born in a collossal BANG of totally spontaneous creative energy. With its conception came all so the Dimensions, all of which were organized within the SuperDimension known as Time. In order to perceive these dimensions an Observer Being was required. So Life was conceived under only the most absurd conditions, which the Observer came to perceive, for some time, as pristine, since he was produced from it and it worked. The Observer Observed the conditions of his home, and he saw that It Was Good.

The Godhead promptly elected to hide from Himself. So he split his identity into an infinite multitude of Gods. These abode primarily in a sanctuary called the Ideal, wherein they were protected from the Dimension of Change. When the time was right they elected to manifest as physical entities on the Plane of Change. So they became Stars and planets, working together to co-create entire galaxies for lightyears and lightyears of space, ad infinitum.

Circling one particular star were nine planets, two of which were called Male and Female. Between them was a planet known as Home. Home became home to various species of Life, all of whom were endowed with the Gender Duality of Male and Female.

For aeons Life prospered on Home. After all: it had nothing else to do and nowhere else to go. As the storms of the Creator Gods raged on outside the biosphere of Home, the inhabitants of this paltry planet were protected by its own Godlike Life Force: Mother Earth, whose corollary was the Moon Satellite.

There came to be one organism that threatened the serenity of Home. And that was a parasitic strain of lifeless virus known as Technology. Its existence was viral and parasitic; it would live only by exploiting its host organism. Its entire purpose was to destroy Home Itself. It grew by making use of petty organisms whose intelligence was lesser than their fellows. By enslaving them it would pretend to endow them with its own subtlety, so that they too would become-mechanical and would justify its agenda to their own petty minds by pretending to be of a surpassing intelligence.

Its chief instrument was the stupidest of all races, which will be referred to from here on in as the Slave Race, the Weak Observer, or Humanity.

A war began betwixt Mother Earth and her Parasite. The Goddess manifested her Nature to the full extent of its temporal ability. But the Parasite found an antithesis to Nature: Civilization. As the mechanical briar grew it consumed entire landscapes in its image, building a Global Empire. But then Nature would bubble up and make her move, laying waste to the Global Civilization in one cataclysmic event. And time and time again Technology would regenerate, reconstructing its self from its ashes. Its shards would become new civilizations whose inhabitants eventually forgot that they had once been a part of a Grand Scheme. Technology was subtle in its trickery of the Slave Race. Humans would come to believe at once that all their ancestors were wrong, and yet they would at the same time forget the Universality of this Error, forgetting that all of their ancestors had been “wrong” together. So Technology would successfully submerge Earth’s greatest weapon: Human Nature. Technology, being non-Human, could never totally eliminate the Human Instinct. So all civilization was adorned with images and records of the deeds of Human Beings, who might have been Weak of Will and Wit but to the same degree just as susceptible to the Male God and the Female Goddess as they were to Technology. As Technology grew more and more powerful, It would become more and more adept and clever at denying the validity of these two Deities that had all ways been of camaraderie and service to Planet Home. Yet to the same degree that Technology tightened its grip, Mother Nature would slip away, for Humans will defy control and use Technology towards Natural Purposes whether they are conscious of this tendency or not.

So why have humans elected to remain unconscious? It is because they were fooled. Obviously, since they can only survive on Home, it is in their best interest to preserve Home. Yet Technology was subtle as Humans were stupid. It endowed the Human Mind with a Technological Intellect that would answer to the Authority of Technology directly. This was achieved by channeling the Religious Instinct with which all Observers are endowed towards the fictional entity of Science. The chief fiction was that Humans USED technology, and not the other way around. In truth, Humans can only “use” technology when they are rebelling against it.

Technology convinced the Weak Race that they had managed to set foot on the Moon, and that in the same way as they had reconstructed their Global Population (which, from the perspective of any one sub-civilization, appears to be a “quest of conquest” and “Manifest Destiny”) that they might “colonize” the remainder of their Star System.

The truth is that the Humans never managed to get a single scrap of metal out of the Protective Sphere made by Mother Earth and Moon. It all ways came back as a burnt up husk. Such is what happens when the Beings of one planet try to send any part of their planet out into the Domain of the Other Planets. It gets sent back, devoid of its use, like an adolescent who tries to prove his masculinity at a Bar for Veterans.

It was said by one Slave comedian that the “Planet is fine, but the PEOPLE are fucked.” The truth is that both are in danger. Technology protects Human Beings insofar as they are stupid enough to be controlled. It sets up hierarchies of slavery and then stages slave uprisings only to keep the Humans at War with one an OTHER, while all the while Home Perishes and Mother Earth weeps. It flatters its Master Classes and then takes away their authority, leaving them to fight entire lifetimes only to regain their Godlike pretense while their Slaves fight for the same throne in vengeance. Technology manipulates all Human “knowledge”, and it governs all Human economic and political dealings.

All the while the Proper Function of the Human Being – to Observe – is submerged in the Civilized Agenda. So one question remains, for which no remaining Human Being has an answer, for he has not had the chance to Observe it:

Will Technology finally win? Or will Earth set it back? And if it is set back, will it be set back forever? And what then must become of Human Beings?


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