Wednesday, June 7, 2017



"All neurotics are either Oedipus or Hamlet." -Sigmund Freud {_}


My hair was the product of three male role models:
The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, the musician Doug Martsch, and my Debate Professor Brandan Whearty.

The former, who was a Libra, (as it would turn out; I got into astrology long after the decision to Grow It Out.) was responsible for the mustache.

The intermediate, who is a Capricorn, was the inspiration for my Beard.

The latter, a fellow Piscean, compelled me by example of to grow out my hair in the back.

For the most part, my look was met with mixed reviews. I do not doubt the sincerity of its fans; autonomy seems to be an end in and of itself, devoid of ulterior motive, and as a Pisces I would expect most people to see past an appearance that is unbecoming, taking stock of their own projections. Besides: if one has nothing to say, one should say nothing at all, and it is Bad Karma, of course, to say it behind an other’s back. The former is of course a Maternal Idiom from Kindergarten, an embodiment of Cancer. The latter is an Alan Wattsism, representing Capricorn.

It is of interest to note the three signs of my three heroes:
Libra, Capricorn, and Pisces.

The first of the three is my First House Placement. It is the persona that, by nature of its being my persona, is the antithesis of who I am deep down and when you get to know me. Like all of my House Placements, it is in its detriment, the obverse of the ideal sign for that particular Placement (in the case of the First House, the ideal sign is Aries, which all so happens to be one of my dominant signs. My Moon, (Motherhood*) Venus, (Romance) and Mercury (Communication) all occur in the primordial Fire of Masculine Aries.).

* By fortuity my own Mother as well is Arian, and Aries is my father’s South Node.

The second sign, Capricorn, is my North Node. It represents every thing that I am striving to be in this lifetime. My South Node, the personification of my Prior Life, is in Cancer, and when I shrink from the trials of actualizing my Fate I withdraw into the Shell of this sensitive Crab – a perfect hiding place that obscures the External World as much as it shelters the Internal World from it.

Cancer and Capricorn are all so, respectively, my Midheaven and Fourth House. This star-crossed but psychically pregnant House Placement I share with two of my heroes: J.K. Rowling and John Mayer. I draw a great deal of my Psychic Abilities from this peculiar mix-up.

Last but not least, as is all ways the case for this sign, Pisces is my Sun Sign. It is the personification of my Soul, and it is all so the Sign most concerned with the Souls of Others. My role as a Healer, corroborated by my Myers-Briggs reading, (INFP) as well as my enneagram as the Helper, draws its metaphysical basis from this Piscean energy, ruled (or I should amend ‘directed’) by Neptune. Neptune, God of the Sea and Music, (My two Great Loves and Passions) exalts Venus, but he all so one-ups her. My friendship with my sister, who is a Libra, sums up this relationship, combining praise and pride with gentle condescension. As with all elitism (as it would seem) there is an element of envy and of impotence. The truth is (though this is NOT to invalidate the aforementioned claims) that there is no Venus in my chart, and wherever it occurs in my House Placement it is all most tragically misplaced.

I have no Taurus or Libra in my chart, and what predominates are Aries and Capricorn, the Warrior and the Father. Were it not for my Sun-Sign, which surpasses even Virgo (its polar corollary) in Femininity, I would be a total beef cake.

Cosmetics and diplomacy come secondarily for me by contrast with Idealism and Revolution. Despite my attempts to uphold the veneer of the Diplomat (a la Libra Rising) I cannot contain my Arian impulses for long, so that the outspoken Pacifist becomes a Militant one (if not a Militant One.).

All the while I sport my Nietzschean mustache in mockery of Libra, defying any attempt made to control my persona by citing Jungian Psychology. Ironically, it is this same obstinance, Capricorn to its core, that perpetuates the dysfunctional [and transparent] Libra Persona. As I laugh at my own transparency, I begin to cry, because I begin to suspect that I am not so much laughing WITH my critics so much as I’m laughing AT my self whilst they laugh too at me.

And in defiance I rebel, enflaming my House of Relationships with Arian energy, using my Capricorn side to restrict all feelings and appealing to a watered-down Neptune sensibility that regards all the vestiges of Venus as ‘uncultivated’ whilst my Arian Moon Sign, a mirror for my Ram-like Mother, treats Venus as Base. And yet Libra remains my persona more than ever before!


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