Thursday, June 29, 2017


This much has been the source of my constant struggle: an overwhelming lucidity where right and wrong are concerned. I could never delude myself for long that my decisions were arbitrary, however I might have respected the teacher who insisted that they were so. I was much too intensely attuned to the need of those Others around me. And yet this was not an accommodation for pretensions. I would not condone for any course of action that would be self-destructive on the part of an Other, and that course of action would of course by extension be destructive to my own self. Neither will I tolerate accusations of self-interest made by self-interested parties. It is clear that they are deluded when they insist that my allegations against them are somehow false because they are “convenient to me”. CLEARLY, Justice must be of convenience to the Just. And I cannot honestly pretend that I have simply appointed myself to be Just in administering Justice. It is rather that Justice appointed ME. Justice has provisions for all innocent people, and I am among them. Guilty people can have no just say in this matter. It is impossible to conceive of any world wherein harm to one person is not of harm to all others. So an inconvenience to me is a threat to the people that I criticize. I would not condemn them were it not in their own best interest as well as mine; it is simplest to say The Best Interest, devoid of possessives. I will fight to the death any delusional meme that promotes the concept of benefit at the expense of an other. Such parasitism all ways hurts both leech and host. And I have as much sympathy for the one as for the other. In my hatred I condemn the leech, but this hatred is not far removed from my love for the host. The same passion drives both emotions to their logical conclusion. Life is never a negotiation between parties. It is rather a constant battle of good and evil. And I cannot delude myself for long that it is otherwise. This is the source of my struggle. I have no sympathy for any one who is an inconvenience to me. There is never such a right, because it is all ways a symptom of Ill Health. And if a world COULD exist wherein the inconveniences to one party might convenience an other, no one would be justified in pursuing his own convenience at my expense, least of all when he tries to accuse me of doing the same. I would sooner that such a parasite perish than to allow the sickness to proliferate and take more people with him. This too has been my constant struggle.


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