Sunday, June 4, 2017

Tirade of Truth:

How DARE YOU to accuse me of being a poor friend?? I am the best friend I have ever known and the best friend you have ever had. I have singularly been of consistency and loyalty to you in such a way as no one else has been. And you think you can call yourself a “friend” to me when you refuse to pledge yourself to my cause? What has YOUR agenda produced? It is YOU that would not ANSWER to the moral authority of those you hold nearest to you even as your OWN will only hurts THEM for your totally illusory and fleeting benefit! And you would BOAST of how fleeting and absurd this parasitic existence is?? What right have YOU to defy my will? To impose your own and pretend that I’d not seen it firsthand? To put in place of an apology a feeble attempt to displace your own blame upon me, that I am driven mad at the thought that I cannot confront someone so close to me in semblance with any injustice done towards me, even by his OWN HAND? I am driven mad trying to make sense of it: do you honestly believe what you are saying, or do you think me to be the fool who would? How is it that you can so confidently pursue EVIL? Is it not your job to aid in my fight against it? It is surely that you expect me to be so shocked by your behavior that I would find no choice but to believe you, because it would be easier to blame myself. How am *I* to feel recrimination for YOUR MISDEEDS, when it was MY victimhood, not yours? How is a law made less of one if the criminal’s victim is the law’s very officer?! Don’t you DARE to try to marginalize ME! YOU answer to ME!!


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