Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Catsup’s Illumination Dream: Interpretation. [MUST READ.:}>-]

Catsup’s Illumination Dream: Interpretation.
When Pluto was in Scorpio, it killed all the cool cats.
When Pluto is in Capricorn, beware the plutocrats.          Dm.A.A.
You will recall of course the dream that K. mentioned atop Mushroom Hill: He visits with Anubis and Anubis shows him a hologram and informs him that the Illuminati will flood the world in 2025.

My Mother was born in the Plutonic Age of Virgo.
I was born in the Plutonic Age of Scorpio. So were Catsup and Tony.
Alanna was born in the Plutonic Age of Sagittarius.

Let us estimate that this last age began in 1995.
Let us suppose (for I have all ready excluded the possibility of either ten- or twenty-year gaps) that it ends in 2010. That would mean that each Plutonic age is fifteen years. Scorpio thus began in 1980. Libra began in 1965. My Mother was born on the cusp.
That would indicate that the Plutonic Age of Capricorn ENDS in 2025.

The nineteen-seventies were an embodiment of the Libran virtues. Discotheque, applauded now (and falsely) as a “gay” art form, was simply an expression of airiness and sociability.
The nineteen-eighties were a descent into the depths. Beginning with Phil Collins, who heard it calling “In the Air Tonight” (and called it) in 1980, the Plutonic Age of Scorpio was a re-affirmation of the collective Shadow. We got to know the monster. As Catsup once said, in his usual [,sicly] attentativeness for disonerous de-tail, the eighties were about coke and the nineties were about heroin. Of course, the bigger picture here is that no generation prior to this was quite as obsessed with drugs, save for alcohol and LSD, each of which was a “social” drug in a manner of speaking.
Goth swam to the surface. Grunge became popular. Et cetera. The “alternative” became the main-stream, dissolving a gap and leaving us all feeling guilty, but in a good way.
Having opened the vat of Dark Eco, so to speak, it only made sense to embrace the chaos with renewed optimism. Generation Y took the bull by the horns (or rather the Scorpion by its tail-end) and turnt it in their favour, getting turnt in the torrential process. Modest Mouse became a Pop Band. Alternative Rock became the Killers and Coldplay. Radiohead went dancey. Pop came back, beginning in the late-nineties and escalating, especially in the careers of Justin Timberlake and many women such as Katy Perry, Swifty, and Lady Gaga. (Ooh la la!)
If this seems redundant, it is only because we are so-used-to-it.
But with freedom comes responsibility. And when responsibility is not taken, it takes in stead.
The Plutonic Age of Sagittarius had as its theme spontaneity and optimism. But too much drinking begets a hang-over. OURS was an age of broken promises and fraudulent elections. It was an age of political disillusion and the submersion of history. Relativism became the paradigm, and the individual began to feel more isolated than ever hitherto.
So now the goat follows the centaur. The Age of Capricorn promises a re-affirmation of Apollo and a quieting of the four-legged Dionysus that is Sagittarius*. It promises the repression of tenacity on both sides of the political spectrum. Liberals have all ready begun to try to repress all dissent, whereas conservatives strive to repress the very habits that liberals are trying to defend FROM dissent. This duality has no resolution in either opposite’s favour. It is at worst a futile power struggle and at best a collective merger of power (or is that in fact the worse of the two worlds? Probably not, though our friends still stuck in Scorpio may think so.)

*Dionysus is usually depicted as a faun, not a centaur, but the symbols are practically brothers. Dionysus only has in common with Capricorn the goat’s hind-legs, whereas Being-half-man is a peculiarity he only shares with Sagittarius.

Catsup has intimated much of this. So it comes as no surprise that the source of his wisdom – his drug-addled Unconscious (if an Unconscious subject may become drugged, as Nietzsche seems to refute in his first book) – has produced the Great Flood Dream.
When Catsup first told me this dream atop Mushroom Mountain I imagined water levels rising to the height above our heads. Per chance I even thought that they might reach the Clouds Themselves.
But now the image of Clouds is so clear to my mind that I am inclined to slap my fore-head. How obvious now! And yet how unpredictable. Until now.
In 2025 the age of Capricorn ends. The Illuminati – representing the Age of Capricorn – do not wish to CONTROL a flooded world. They wish simply to cede power TO it.
The FLOOD is none other than the Age of Aquarius. And it just might so happen to befall in conjunction with the GREAT AGE OF AQUARIUS that Jesus Christ predicts in the Bible and that Peter Joseph describes in ZEITGEIST.
Holy Funk.
There have been many instances in mankind’s history of Pluto in Aquarius. But they have usually occurred in other Great Ages. Any one since Christ has only known the Age of Pisces. Jesus was not a false prophet. Alanna simply dislikes him because PISCES DISARMS ARIES!
And since the Great Ages move in RETROGRADE, that means that Jesus and the Age of Pisces (the age of prophecy and false prophecy, though to speak of Jesus as a false prophet seems ironical [now that we are using him as a reference it would be irreverant {and sic}.]) follows the AGE OF ARIES. The Age that Alanna represents in both her Sun-sign orientation and her South Node (her karmic history.).
So what Catsup predicted was the Plutonic age of Aquarius in the Great Age of Aquarius. And so the “Great Flood” of antiquity comes again as a symbol of the WATER BEARER, and the rising sea levels are [a] representation of Water in the Skies – ThE CLOUDS, which are WATER BEARERS and have all ways been represented by AQUARIUS.
But Catsup, given his paranoia and dependency upon the Scientific Orthodoxy, fills in the details spontaneously and thinks that this is a LITERAL flood brought about through Artificial Global Warming!
Woah. Neat.
The message comes to him in an Egyptian tomb because Catsup, a mummy bound to his own past (and his own mummy, his Mother, his matter, his MAYA or illusionati) is trapped mentally in the confines of the political and religious oligarchy which includes the Scientific Community. Yet as a mystic he is able to decipher the symbols in the tombs and thus visits with a deity that informs him that all shall be well…:

The Age of Aquarius. It shall redeem the Individual. Not on[mere]ly will the Individual remain an aesthete, as in Sagittarius. The individual shall in fact have past through Kierkegaard’s Ethical Stage to the Religious Stage. Here the individual has learned discretion. So one is free of factional dogmae. One is free to live a life of one’s own choosing. But one is ALL SO entirely free, as has not yet been seen in our generation or any generation alive today, to CRITICISE the lives of others, without the leveling (and thus conformist) accusation of a pretense.
So it shall-Be that the Great Flood subverts the Illuminati. The irony is so brilliant: (now we know where K. gets his more clever ideas.) the World Rulers unwittingly destroy their selves through a tragic hubris. But on the highest level this is inevitable, necessary, and agreed-upon. Capricorn surrenders to Aquarius. Both sides of the political game are assuaged. The left surrenders to the right the right to judge, and the right surrenders to the left the last right left to be surrendered: to be (or Not to Be). And the Individual obtains, and attains, both: to either be stained or to abstain, to become tainted or not to become tainted, and to criticise one’s fellows and thus to MAIN-tain the social order.

And so in 2040, when Pluto enters MY house, I shall well come him gladly. For then we shall all become, as Catsup had stated, Gods.


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