Thursday, April 21, 2016

Survivor's Guilt.

Survivor's Guilt:

All the walls that have been built
To keep us safe
And thus at bay.
Cannot stall survivor's guilt.
Cannot make it all okay.

Blood is spilt
The roses wilt.
Mothers cry out in dismay.
Hopes that took long to be built
Die out and are blown away.

I long for bombs to fall upon
Our soil. No more toil.
No more foreign oil.
Let it fall apart. It was an error.
From the start.

At heart we are the terrorist.
For our part we should not
Exist. But this won't be
A global suicide. I long
To see the day the bully died.

We clench our fist
Our heroes drenched in mist.
To hide what they had seen.
The gist of this zeitgeist
Is that like ghosts we
Fade into a dream.

I know it's mean but once or twice
We tell our sons and daughters
Understand: you live upon the
Bones of slaughter. Take my hand.

And at the bar they thank the
Soldiers for making thus possible
Our hell.
A place where we can drink in peace
Upon a throne of bone we dwell.

I long for bombs to fall
And lay deceased all that we've built.
For till we grieve like all
The rest you can't arrest
Survivor's guilt.

And those who know this evil best
Insist it's in our own defense.
Or may be we police the world.
And that is not to you pretense.

And may be you can twist my words
And set them against common sense.
But in your hearts you know just how
Absurd it was to commit such offense.

The bully knows he wears
His victim's clothes.
And has their blood upon
His hilt.

And when he cuts his
Self his woes are
All survivor's


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