Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Dead Goat:

O Queso dig this:

Satan represents the age of Capricorn. He is the District Attorney of Heaven, and his symbol is the goat. Mortals fear him because he is the District Attorney. So he gets a Bad Reputation.

Since Great Ages move in retrograde, Capricorn does not move on to Aquarius, but Regresses into Sagittarius. So Satan FALLS FROM HEAVEN. And the world descends into discord.

The Age of Aries is the intensification of this descent. But then the cycle begins again with the Age of Pisces. And Jesus is the representation and mystic of this Age.

The Age of Pisces is followed by the Age of Aquarius. Thus the Great Flood comes again. And then at the end of that age comes again the Age of Capricorn. So Satan returns, and there is a Last Judgement.

Satanists sacrifice a goat to represent the dominion of Satan. Little do they know that this Wiccan ritual was aimed not at praise for Satan but CONDAMNATION of him.

The Dead Goat represents the fall of Satan from power, and the descent into lawlessness. Witches, understanding Satan's heroic but tragic role in the Bible, as well as his promised return, rebel against both God and Satan.

God, Christ, and Satan are the enemies of the witches. This is the Holy Trinity. Satan, Lucifer or the Light-Bringer, is the Holy Spirit. He is Spirit of the law, whereas the Bible is the WORD of the law. But as with all mystikal texts, the Word REFERS to the Spirit, and makes clear that the Word is SECONDARY TO the Spirit!

"The Tao that can be Spoken is Not the Eternal Tao."

"Buddhism is a finger-pointing at the moon. Do not mistake the finger for the moon."

"If you think that you understand Brahman, you do not understand Brahman."

So Christianity is the story of God, Christ, and Satan! Lucifer is the light-bringer because he brings LAW to the kingdom of heaven. But with his fall the world descends into Darkness. And so those who fall into that darkness are punished by Satan. They are DAMNED, or con-DEMNED!

I would not be surprised to find that LIGHT, LUCIFER, LUMOS, and LAW all share-a-root.

Alanna believes Christ to be the Devil. Well. She was close. Half-way there. Can't say she was wrong. Just half-right.

Narrow minded "Christians" who dismiss astrological "superstitions" liken witches to Devil-worshippers. The irony: the Christians are the Devil-worshippers. And they do not even know it! The witches rebel against both deities, Christ and Satan. So in a way they understand the Christian myth by DEFIANCE better than the Christians understand it by COMPLIANCE!

Contemporary "Satanists" carry on the one-sided prejudices of the older church. They think that they are being-"cool" by worshipping "Satan" and talking about Goat Sacrifices and other Wiccan rituals. Yet the ironical FACT is that they are worshipping the same deity as Christians do -- Satan --, hiding this habit by appealing to the same one-sided clerical cosmology, and in fact at the same time CONDEMNING Satan by imitating the witches!!

Now it is no wonder the old church waged war on the witches. The witches not only defied the church. They reminded that church, by defiance rather than example, of its shadow: the critical role that Satan plays throughout the entire Bible.

In place of the Law the Buddhists invented the Dharma. It gave Buddhists protection throughout the course of the Ages ever since the end of the Age of Capricorn. But now we live in what Buddhists call the Latter Day of the Law. Here the Dharma dies, the Bodhisattvas go off into Nirvana (past the LESSER LIGHTS) and LUCIFER (by implication of both his name and the contrast with the lesser lights, he would be the GREATER LIGHT) returns. And a New Age of Law and Order follows. And all mortals are judged. Satan is the District Attorney. And Christ is the Defense Attorney. And God is the Judge.

I had a friend who was of Greek descent. His name was Kyle. His father celebrated Greek Orthodox Easter. Kyle told us that some how his father would all ways find a way to buy a full, dead goat to prepare for Easter. Kyle described it as the "most awkward thing in the world" to walk into the kitchen to find this dead goat, lying on its side on the kitchen table or counter, facing him with its lifeless eyes.

Leave it to the Greeks, the inventors of Astrology, and the original authors of the Bible, to celebrate Easter in this fashion: by representing the Age of Christ by sacrificing a GOAT.

Of course: THEIR ritual was and is probably somewhat less pretentious, contrarian, and misguided than those of the Satanists, Witches, and the Christian Church. Respectively.


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