Thursday, July 20, 2017

A Tale of Poison:

A Tale of Poison:

Sometimes someone mistreats you in such a way that he imbibes you with a general aversion to humans in general. But should you allow his poison to spread throughout your relationships, he will have won indirectly. Perhaps you do not wish to admit that this is possible, or otherwise you prefer to pretend that no one who becomes conscious of the possibility would do it. Nonetheless, his injury is twofold: that he threatens you into hiding, so that you resist by running from him, but even as you run to preserve your Good Graces you run all so from the fellows who need them the most.

Do not allow him that victory. But be patient with yourself and with Others as you heal. You are not wrong to see him in Others who have hurt you likewise. You are not irrational for fearing them as well. Especially in this day and age when Society offers you no refuge but only sides with any individual vendetta against your love, however irrational it may be.


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