Monday, July 31, 2017

The Daily Stupid: Quotes of the Daily.

The Daily Stupid: Quotes of the Daily.

America's veterans deserve the very best health care because they've earned it.

Jim Ramstad (R.)

This is just insane. The entire concept of any one “earning” something is nothing short of psychotic self-entitlement. What you do right now has no bearing upon what Life will GIVE TO YOU tomorrow, and human beings are working against Life by trying to split it off from that pattern, as though our existence on this planet were some sort of cancerous growth. The prejudice against people, as though their common sense were the product of a Group and not of Individual Deduction, that they are “lazy” is nothing short of Shadow Projection and scape-goating; the self-entitlement belongs to the man who hoards the fruits of his actions instead of surrendering them back to Life. Any way of thinking that can advantage certain human beings over others is a violation of Nature, and paradoxically it all so commits the Fallacy of Naturalism: that an ethic (“Deserving”) can be derived from a fact (“having earned”.). Romantic as it is, it turns to Fascism when people who have DELIBERATELY AND UNDER ORDERS infringed upon the health of others in an act of ORGANIZED AGGRESSION. Again: the simple existence of war AS A FACT does not justify war AS AN ETHIC and all veterans ought to be ashamed of themselves for their profound cowardice. A true man never fights back unless he is ACTALLY capable of preventing further harm, and this is nearly impossible within a Group. Come off of it. And any attempt to appeal to the Pathos of a “hard-working American” only has the effect of DESTROYING THAT WORK ETHIC simply by perception of the World it Could Create. No fucking murderer should take your place in line to the Hospital, however long, and none but the most innocent and injured should be allowed to cut the line. If you TRULY want to be an American Hero, bomb a hospital or something. All of its occupants should know better than to house militants; that is literally Unconstitutional. (See the Third Amendment.)


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