Sunday, July 23, 2017

A Tale of Rot:

A Tale of Rot:

I WAS NOT SPOILED. I WAS INNOCENT. I was alone of all involved who was UNSPOILED, and to this day I walk FREE OF SIN, virginal and noble, like a tight-rope walker on a burning wire. I never made use of those instruments of torture that would distort the value of words and rob them of their civilizing influence, grating against the ears as they scrape their audible intent against the noble value intrinsic to the words themselves. I only ever bore WITNESS, for several HOURS UPON END, to that travesty. And I DID NOT HAVE TO. I did not DESERVE THAT. It was the ASSAILANT who was SPOILED, for he only ever did this to me for his OWN ENDS, and they were, when weighed by ME, the primary VICTIM, the AUTHORITY, against the values of all others concerned, proven to have been totally narcissistic. Only a failure to adjust to the Common Human Project could have produced such a travesty and the amoral delusions that one attempted to justify them by. I alone have been unspoiled, untarnished of conscience and Soul. It was the ASSAILANT who had not the MATURITY to reconcile his wretched passions with the Hearts of his Fellows. And I know not that anyone could even be BLAMED for his degeneracy, as though we might accuse his Mother of “spoiling” him when he was surely BORNE this way. We can only blame her for BEARING him to begin with, and that is the only sin to be undone that can be.

If any part of this has its origins in my childhood, it is only that we all should have learned this then. It is unpardonable and unmalleable. The parasite cannot manipulate it, nor can it be confused for dogma, for it is the very Truth that dogma pales before. It is inextricable from Our Condition, and that you can afford the PRIVILEGE of fantasy in this respect has no bearing upon my Reality. You TOO should have learned how to deal with it in the abstract. Be thankful that Life has not charged you with dealing with it directly. The winds of change cannot mar it; the waters of time cannot heal it. It can only be resolved in the flame of justice. It is immovable as the Earth. Any attempt to deny its Ultimate Quality would be a regression into the infantile state, a form of psychosis for any man who has reached the age of influence. One cannot simply GROW BACKWARDS into an amoral child and unlearn the EARLIEST of lessons accrued in childhood. Adulthood is not for the undoing of ideals but rather for their proper execution. They should have been cultivated by the age of consent. What else did you spend eighteen formative years upon? What do you INTEND to spend your remaining decades doing, if not finishing what was started the moment that you learned how to speak? And if you were not taught these things, who was it then who was corrupted by a bad childhood?!? You should have LEARNED how to be an adult then, so as to prevent the unthinkable error now. You should have learned to identify Human and to DISCERN IT from non-human, that those Beings who would harm any part of Humanity might be eradicated. No stolen wealth of experience could vindicate these inhuman wrongs. That an experience is in the possession of a thief does not entitle him to its employment. Be thankful that your experience is not mine, a most dreadful curse forced into my hand by those leeches that took from me the throne of good fortune that they now sit upon, as though this curse could act as a substitute for THAT experience which was and which remains my birth-right. And in your inexperience, content yourself with that which is higher than ANY experience: Truth and Knowledge. Or remain a rapist who will DEFILE all Human Value and then claim Knowledge of this EXPERIENCE as his Authority.

If ever I defended a rapist, it was only ever when I consented to cohabitate this planet with one. Nobility obligates me to now withdraw my consent.
This is where the road ends. I cannot learn any thing more with which to supplement it, and neither can I UNLEARN any part of it. I will not be penalized for having learned it at the proper time, as though it could have changed over the following years. I will not bear YOUR burden for your having to only learn it NOW. Adulthood is no time for education, but for action. My education in this matter is all ready complete, as per the proper course of Nature and Civilization, a most delicate balance that I am now charged with upholding as an Adult Human Being. To be an adult is to be self-responsible, and with that comes the OBLIGATION TO BE IN THE RIGHT. I never had a choice in what was right, only in whether or not I deviated from it. And in this most MACABRE of villainies to which I bore personal witness I was a victim, despite my Innocence. I was effectively raped, and I would be condemning all my human fellows to the same fate if I did not defend myself. The Law of the World shall be of convenience to ME now, for I have been its most faithful servant of any one in this unsacred conflict. And I shall be rewarded in kind by that Spirit that wrote the Law. And you shall shudder before this Force of Justice that alone has been a source of Mercy to me against this depraved cruelty.


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