Friday, July 20, 2018

A Response to a Walking Hamburger:


Sigh. Your transparency precedes you. Though you might believe that you can hide behind a muscular veneer, your argument abounds in atrophy.

1. “A strong and well built body gives a sense of security to any girl irrespective how weak that guy is from the inside (physical look matters and works in most of the cases).”

“Well-built”: (note the hyphen) this is a misleading term. The principal quality of a healthy body is a stable immune system accompanied by a high metabolism. High metabolism will tend to produce skinnier bodies in both men and women, because it allows for rapid digestion and maximum efficiency. The reason that most religious avatars are depicted as thin is because they don’t hoard nutrients; they return them promptly to the Earth. This is all so why girth (body fat) was only a passing trend in Western culture, indicating egregious wealth prior to the influx of Marxist and liberal democratic thought (in the twentieth century, of course). Whereas being “chubby” is no longer considered attractive, either for men or for women, being skinny remains the ideal for women, and as women are gaining in power in society, their example will swiftly be followed by men. Thin men, it follows logically, are by far more attractive than muscular men, as indicated by the following point:

2. “Bodybuilders give a huge part of their life to their body, they earn respect in various place in various forms. Girls like to be with respected and hard working men.”

Again, you’re missing a hyphen (“Hard-working”), amongst other things such as punctuation and plurality.

Contrary to what your operating theory might be, devoting time to your worldly body (sometimes called “the gross body”) is most often a turn-off.

For thousands of years men and women have striven to escape the bondage of the animal state. Muscularity was only regarded by analogy to health when it was necessary to fend for survival by the confiscation of scarce resources. For the past fifty years, this has been utterly barbaric, because evidence suggests that scarcity is merely controlled in the status quo. In other words, people who display competitive or aggressive behaviours are frowned upon as pitiably dated, for they are victims of manipulation by a corporate state that exploits their genetic history. In other words: we might all be wired, by avenue of nature, to be fighters, hunters and gatherers. But in fact the virtue of NOT fighting, but of cultivating and nurturing, is the civilized goal. Women want men to help meet that civilized goal by shedding the karma of the past; hence many women begin the practice of yoga early on in life. (If you want to turn a girl off, try telling her that yoga is “not exercise”.) Yoga, the attempt to align the gross body with the subtle body, is regarded as one of the most stringent disciplines that one can master, hence people devote an entire half of life to its practice, and it is Universal throughout the world’s cultures. Conversely, body builders are inconsistent in the hours that they put into their exercise. Most of their results depend upon metabolism, little of their diet is by necessity healthy, (protein from an In-N-Out burger, for instance, comes at the price of cholesterol, though I’ve known some to eat as many as five double-doubles in a day) and hours could range, according to a study, from NINE MINUTES to TWENTY HOURS and beyond. In other words, the extremes themselves imply that no rational woman would compare body size to work ethic. If what one man must do in twenty hours an other can accomplish in nine minutes, the criterion is groundless. The latter is a slacker, whereas the former is a fool, turning the entire cultivation of his solitary physique (one of 7.5 billion bodies on Earth at this moment, all requiring the resources he is hoarding in excess like the hunter of old) into a part-time job that could be spent on education, politics, philosophy, art, or the actual PRACTICE of LOVING. (which is obviously a lot more than merely animalistic sex activity. In fact, most often Love is regarded by analogy to some sort of celibacy, including but not limited to marital fidelity and premarital chastity, both of which women respect.)

3. “Big or good looking body also gives a sense of dominance. Most of the girls like to be submissive, so they find it attractive.”

“Good-looking.” Learn to hyphenate. Seriously. Even Microsoft Word can do it.

Wake up, yo. Do a Google Image search of “fem sub” and you will be met predominantly with unskilled illustrations of fantasy girls, whereas if you search “fem dom” your results will be rich in photographic detail. The times are a-changing. Women have not entirely disowned the feminine virtues, but they are no longer prone towards being typecast as “submissive”. Though some of the more narcissistic chicks might prefer a man to mirror their own tough self-image, most women are content to be respected by an intellectual. One huge turn-off for this new wave of girls is Fascism. The entire cult of personality that surrounds a sort of “Alpha Male” died with Mussolini.

4.      “They look unique in crowd.”

Not so. And were it so that being muscular is rare, then that would mean that only a FEW men are attractive. This criterion, whilst it establishes a pecking order (Social Darwinism, i.e. Nazism) and controls the population by weeding out the strong (Sig Heil?), is absolutely ridiculous. The only way that one can look “unique” but avoid being classified as “privileged” is to adopt a style of one’s own. Women tend to be very in-touch with their own bodies and desire a man who knows his own body. Hence true uniqueness will be tailored to the metabolism, rather than the metabolism being forced to submit to the ego through the use of steroids and other adulterants.

5.      “Many of them carry sharp jaw line.”

So do I. It’s genetic.

  1. “If one has good body with brain (knowledge), you will also notice confidence and then again dominance in any group on any topic.”

Pshaw. I’ve debated against muscular, competitive men and left them stuttering. The only way to dominate a conversation if you’re trying to use it towards your own ends is to win the approval of a narrow interest group through some sort of manipulation. Our society has so many provisions against that sort of thing that the moment you enter into a larger arena you find yourself chewed out within minutes. People have limits for bullshit.

In summary: WOMEN ARE NOT STUPID. Most are quite intuitive and sensitive to “vibes”; they look right past external appearance, for they would not dare to reduce the Other to an Object. You will find evidence for this in the entire crusade against Objectification, which has been frowned upon since Martin Buber published “I and Thou” in that mystical year of 1923. You want to get girls? Pick up a book. Stop repeating what you read memetically on the Internet. Figure out the fabric of your own Soul, and you will attract a Soul Mate. No one cares about your body except in so far as it’s a Temple for the Spirit.

Most women do not want to be “protected”; there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to PROTECT THEM FROM. The devil is within you, for it’s wired straight into your survivalistic hind-brain and tribalistic mid-brain. Testosterone clouds judgment, as do most typically “male” behaviours that are deemed “attractive” or “becoming” of a man. (such as binge drinking and brawling.) Not only WON’T a woman feel SAFE around this sort of “beast with a brain”; she ought NOT to, for her own sake.

Thankfully our culture is heralding presently a return to the ancient virtues of chivalry, loyalty, self-knowledge, sensitivity, equality before the Lord (Whoever that might be for you, whether personal or not), chastity, individuality, scholarship (with the advent of the Internet, there’s no excuse not to be knowledgeable, though as I’ve said it only serves to be a starting point in research), and, above all else, Love. Love sees beyond the worldly body and comprehends the Soul. This is why reading Shakespeare will go further than hours spent getting “gains”. Tolerance means acceptance, and intolerance is frowned upon most in our society. Such is the case with Inequality. If I like skinny girls who grow their hair out, it follows logically that, unless I mean to simply USE women in a neurotic fashion, so that I should have never to own my own Anima, I must follow their example and presume upon its effectiveness in reciprocity. Failing to do so is to become a sort of monster, and when everything conspires against me should I choose this course, it would be small wonder that I would feel the need to act aggressive to defend myself against a foe that is not real. There are no “gains” that are not mutual.


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