Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Dignity of Victimhood: (et cetera.)

When people are unified in opinion as though it were some fact, I tend to presume that any opposing view is fact, should I find reason to oppose it.


Any thing of colossal significance will not be confined to only one solution.


People do not want to be Happy; they want to be Right.


That I was born not into some Paradise but a terrible trap where I must fend for survival as all die around me: that I can stand. What I cannot stand is to be a direct contributor to the wreckage. At that point, I would sooner renounce the problems of the World than to entertain the vanity of a solution. I would help only by chance or as a pastime, waiting to succumb. I’d put the problems of the World behind me and put Reality Itself before me, for it would become a Game of Radiant Imminence rather than a constant strife for power. I would no longer sacrifice individuals in service to a projected mass. I would be blameless, living that life that I would have lived in better times, or at least its closest approximation, thanking God each day for favouring me and doing my best to honour those two promises I made to my best teachers: to be happy, and if I must suffer, to do so with dignity. The problems trouble me. But I will not be preached to as though I have not dwelt on them every day. I will simply find Joy Inside Myself, for the only Peace of the Heart available is that which is won not over time in constant battle for a better future, but rather NOW, since Virtue is its own Reward. I dare not become what I have all ways opposed.


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