Monday, July 23, 2018

The Summer's Tale:

There is a homeless vagrant that haunts Escondido
And his name is Sam and he is the most pious
And inspired man I ever met, perhaps. He
Told me that this time that we inhabit is the
Ending of an era, for though Pisces ruled
The last two thousand years, during which time
We saw many prophets, some false and others True,
Now it must yield its throne to fair Aquarius,
Who represents disruption but who all so
Speaks of Friendship and of Common Good
And Individuality.

Of course, no Individuality could live
Without a Common Good to serve,
Within whose light the outline of
The mental body is made clear,
Where shadows would obscure it
In a common fog,

But we are not yet upon such a
Golden Age, and daily sin grows deeper
All about us as is that infernal darkness
That would strangle us if we had not
The strength to fight it with our
Hands and tortured words.

This alone must puzzle me:
That this same Sage and Mystic claims
That my Great Age of Love and Beauty
Was in fact a time of control and oppression,
Ruled by tyrants answering to false idols
Instead of to the Voice of God that they
Pretend to profess.

But when I read the works of
Shakespeare and of Goethe,
I come back to Sanity, for
I recall that no such tyranny
Had ever thrived.

Instead of slaves I see great men and women
Doing what great men and women do:
The Good, and they desire little else
Unless they prove to be villains
That meet with disdain and tragedy
For the Bard knew that was the Devil’s fate,
And had this been MERELY the groundlings’
Longing for a Noble Sense of Cosmic Justice,
The Bard would have sooner cut his arms off
With his legs than to have written plays.

I wonder when it was therefore
That the suggestion of ulterior motive
Began, or when it became
Tolerable to hear women
Speak of infidelity with praise
And to see men perform it.

When did the scholars cease to see
The tragedy of Leontes as that of
Othello, betrayed by some infernal
Voice within his ear, misled to think
That his wife was unfaithful?

When was it no longer that same evil voice,
Suggesting sin without a warrant,
That would be the target of our
Blame, but rather the misled?

These knaves seem to suggest that
Had Hermione or had Desdemona
Truly been an evil strumpet,
All would have been well,
Provided she escaped, and that
It was not even Leontes or Othello
That was to blame, much less
Claudius or Iago,
But the very CULTURE of the TIME,
A Time that yet HAD Culture,
When the very thought of infidelity
Was not mere common sin but staunch madness,
For no sane mortal would dare to consider it,
Least of all to consider doing it,
And all men willingly submitted
To the service of their wives, and vice versa.

And now what? Am I to blame myself
For having thought well of Alanna,
That never could she have stooped so
Low as to betray me for a private purpose,
And am I to think now that though I had not
Deserved this I am to be shamed for having
Suffered it, rather than numbing
All my dignity and failing
To preserve her virtue?

How did judgment become muddled with
False judgment? Entitlement with self-
Entitlement? Love with pride?
Virtue with vice? And above all else:
Loyalty with weakness of will?
What will that is disloyal
Would not be derided as
Perverse beyond imagining?

How do these academic witches claim
That had their wives been guilty these great
Kings of men would have been no less
Misguided and no more so wronged?
How can one so delude one’s self
As to believe that any one would
WANT such a Fate to befall him,
 Or that a blameless, faithful husband
Would deserve it, or that any outside
Influence, springing from inner passion,
Could bypass the force of justice in
Preventing it? Was Hermione not
Wronged not by Death but rather by
The falseness of her accusation?
Would she not have marched towards
That Death boldly if it would have
Cleared her name of such depraving
Allegations? And what sort of foul
Fork-tongued beast, more terrifying
Than Iago or than Hamlet’s Apparition,
Would pretend to do her a great
SERVICE by attesting to the probability
Of her depravity, disguising it
As virtue?

When was dogma mistaken for Truth,
And vice versa? When did law
Turn to power, and when did
Both part with Common Human Purpose?

When did mortal sin become permissible?

What sort of person would allow for such a fate?
Who would not die so as never to see that day befall us?

And when did this noble will towards Death become Insanity?
Is that not why Alanna chose to die?
Perhaps not out of shame but
Faithlessness, craving God’s arms
So eagerly when men’s arms
Proved rough and misguided.

It was not patriarchy that had killed her.
Patriarchy never was.
It was not patriarchy that had killed
Leontes’ Queen, nor was it even
Then Leontes, but instead the Devil.

Only those same Agents of Disordered Wills
That serve the Fiend would try to blame
The victims, among whom are those
Same jealous Kings that foresaw Evil
And by acting against that same Evil
Bringing it into the state of Being.

It was not Kinghood or Chastity
That was the Enemy, but rather
Both were Heroes, and they all ways
Shall take precedence over the people
That upheld them, for it was THEY
That had suffered most the lie of infidelity,
Hence the Bard had had an Audience.

No person, even sane or insane,
Would cheer when Chastity has been
Besmirched, either in word or deed.

People are Good, and they have all ways SERVED
Each other in a Common Goodness,
For if this Great Motive did not watch
Over our every deed,
Life would lose Meaning,
Which is Its Lord,
And we all would doom
Ourselves, by our same
Self-destructive and self-
Serving Wills, to speedy
Death and Liberation.


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