Friday, July 6, 2018

How to Build a Ghost:

In the Past, War was an easy Business. You simply planted something incriminating on whatever country that you wanted to invade, and then you went to war with them. It was not hard to get people to hate their neighbours if the neighbours looked strange and exotic. The tribal mind has a neat little attribute that it can skew the rational mind in its own favour. We are not WIRED to “like Others”; we are wired to like ourselves, except for those few who’ve developed their civilized minds.

Thankfully, civilization lets everyone join the club, ESPECIALLY in egalitarian (American) society. You don’t have to ACT civilized to FEEL civilized; you can be a total bitch, and no one can tell you not to be. Matter of fact, neither can YOU tell them NOT to tell you to stop being a bitch. And it’s that mutual enmity, that totalizing passive aggression that loves to judge but does not let itself be judged, that is just how you know the System Works. It’s what we all want!! To be infallible, but to appeal to human-all-too-human error when the ruse is too expensive to perpetuate.

There never was a racist person. There were only stupid people: people whose opinions could systematically be molded by their governments. You think that those Koreans who protest “modern art” were forced to do so? Maybe. But you can damn well bet that they believe in it. You know why? HERD IMMUNITY. The Herd Mentality. The Human Animal wants not just to be Right, but to be Popular. So you appeal just to the Tribal Mind in People. That’s where all the fun stuff happens. Us and Them. The Tribal Mind sees Other as a Threat to Us. And although it’s constantly the enemy of Rationality and Civil Rights, it can be PERSUADED that it lays a claim to Those Great Virtues of the Reasonable Animal. WE are now the “civilized” society, and THEY’RE the brutes.

The irony is sweet, a sweetness in proportion to the fact that it is lost upon these people who partake in it. And when I say “these” people, I do not mean THOSE people. THOSE people, in the Distance, whom we have to bomb because they’re animals (why not put them inside a Zoo instead?!) know very well that WE’RE Insane. But that is just the thing: they do not have the strength of arms to prove that point. And arms are all one needs. Call it just what you like: Patriotism or Fascism. We can skew the ethics in our favour. If people start to Wake Up to the fact that we’re not enemies but FRIENDS, you call the Scientists. They’ll dig up fossils that will prove that Friendship is Genetically Impossible. If that falls through, you call the Media. Show the World JUST how much we NEED to be there, not for our own sake, but rather for THEIR sake and for the Sake of Civilized Society. If that won’t do it, win the Liberals. They don’t like “racism”, right? They still think that it exists, because they’re part of it; every attempt they make to put a stop to it is just what we need: tribal people donning civilized masks and condemning those whose primitivity is bald-faced. If the enemy is “racism” rather than Ignorance, who will attack the GOVERNMENT? Wherever THAT shot comes from, it will NOT be from the Left. It won’t be from the Right only because the Right does not want to evolve; that’s what “conservatism” means. A lot of them do not BELIEVE in Evolution at all!!

But now we have a new snag to worry about. The Internet is powerful. If I can snapchat with some woman in the Middle East who just lost her one son to a Drone Strike, perhaps I question the Nobility of War. How do you sell THAT loss? I COULD tell you that we were there for her own good, but if our drones destroyed her life then we’re no better than her “patriarchal” husband. And we can hardly BLAME her just for BEING there. So nationalism has its limits. We can bully weaker nations all we want, but nothing will stop them from rising up against us, with help from within our own borders, UNLESS we can somehow SELL Nationalism TO those nations. And then what? Well: it’s not hard to do if they can be persuaded that not only do we have THEIR interests at heart, but that their neighbours DON’T.

So we have this situation: we can no longer just PICK a nation and suck it dry by calling its people names. And whatever we do, we absolutely MUST make sure that nations, just like citizens within our nation, prize their own autonomy even as they all work to sponsor US, for their protection. A skilled propagandist knows EXACTLY how to pull this off; he’s lived his life just DREAMING of the Day that he can prove it. You invent an enemy that HAS NO NATIONAL AFFILIATION, but that can BEHAVE JUST LIKE A NATION. Here’s how the fiction works: its People are all, By Their Very Definition, Terrorists and Savages; otherwise they are not part of the club. Next: they are collectively as STRONG as any Nation, so an Other to be Reckoned With. But there’s no way to Measure just how strong they are, since no one knows who is in charge. Finally, they are spread out all over the World. So any nation that we see FIT to attack we do so, just as always, only this time we’re not KILLING all those people; we are SAVING them, and they are BEGGING for our crusade of salvation.

Don’t you see the very GENIUS of it now?!? Think about it: in the PAST, you couldn’t wage war on a COUNTRY with an easy stomach. Liberals would tear you down at  every turn for doing GENOCIDE, that last great vestige of tradition. One civilian casualty in Germany or Iraq, and we are to the pious mind all scum and murderers. But if The Enemy HAS no civilians, because its legion is entirely composed of Thieves: well, that’s MYTHOLOGY. THAT is the long-awaited Holy WAR!! All of our longings for heroism are contained within that fantasy, for it is coded into our very BONES. You can make a movie about war that preaches pacifism, and yet will not disrupt hegemony; people will simply be less LIKELY to defy the GOVERNMENT on Their Own Terms.

In the PAST, men followed their Own Hearts. Some of them beat in unison with a patriotic drum, whereas others found their Calling conscientiously off of the battlefield. Some fought, others loved. The lovers gave up war to seek the hearts of Women, and those women wanted nothing more than to find a man WORTHY, tender and sentimental, hence a GENTLEMAN. Gentleness has no place in our business.

In the PAST, women would light the way for Men to Find Themselves; their very sensitivity encouraged civilized man to EMBRACE his Anima – his Interminable Spirit. The whole QUEST was one of finding Love akin to the Mother’s Breast.

But no more!! It’s hilarious, if you will think about it.

We destroyed the Damsel in Distress; she doesn’t need saving. We sent all of our women out on an eternal errand. Great!! More people in the military, fewer in the nursery. More people in the office building means fewer at home. More people to enforce Our Laws, even if it DISSOLVES the Family. No one is around to teach a new generation of boys and girls how to THINK, so they resort to Television and that very Internet that we now have made Our Own. Morality is relative in That World of Virtual Reality, since actions have no worldly consequences. One man’s dystopia is an other man’s PARADISE. And why not, right? Who am I to judge? Just some filthy stinking rich white MALE. That’s all they see me as, regardless who they are. And I made sure of it, for BOTH our sakes: yours and mine, so YOU don’t get any ideas.

THIS is how we created our contemporary Enemy. There is a saying in Taoism: solve small problems before they can turn to big ones. If the Enemy is a Ghost, no one can kill it. It must possess a body. Tell me now: how many people must I BOMB before some Radical takes arms against me? One hundred? Two thousand? Because you KNOW that we have the technology, as WELL as the Incentive and Consent.

Yes: given pause you may be so inclined to rationalize. Why, for instance, would we allow Civilian Casualties at ANY rate, ESPECIALLY if we’re not TARGETTING a Nation but a Group?

Ahh, but when those Radicals fight BACK, possessed of ZEAL to match our own, inspired by their one last hope – GOD ALMIGHTY – then we don’t think; we act. It’s how we’ve all been raised. The boss isn’t all ways right, for he’s not God, but we’re not “radicals” who will believe in Him. Nay!! We are RATIONALS that can move PAST him. Yes: we DO have the technology.

You see? The boss is not infallible, but he is still the Boss. And that’s us!! WE say “go to War”, and THEY will do it. WE say “send the Drone”, the Bomb, the hateful text, and They Will DO IT.

Now you see, right? Who is stronger than US? And by what criteria are we NOT justified? By God? God is a suit that we put on when we succeed and just a jacket we put on for when we fail; He’s not an Ethic, because those who USE Him as an Ethic are the ENEMY.

So we created that same Enemy. It’s like I said to you beforehand: those Koreans who protested modern art did so wholeheartedly. So do the radicals who march under the banner WE created for them. They want what all tribal people want who have no use for Reason in a hostile world: Solidarity. They don’t hate freedom; it’s just at this point to be found only in a suicide bombing. We love that when we see it in movies because WE’RE the Good Guys, all ways. It’s just how we’re wired, am I right? We all want to be Heroes. But if men and women cannot save each other, for they’re forced into some brutal competition for the Emperor’s Amusement, what choice do they have but to assimilate, donning the helm and shield of valor, minus that sword of discretion that will give them any fighting chance!?!


This is Our World, my friend, entirely for Our Amusement. If a man can’t save a woman, at least he can save the World and win that woman’s favour. If he has to be a fighter to match hearts with Mother Mayhem, for she is no longer dainty Damsel in Distress, then there is no longer any lover who is not a fighter, and all fights are those WE supervise. You want the proof? See how the media depicts the martyrs who kill our precious colosseum fodder. They only give the tribal mind reason to FEAR True Individuality, and by so doing to disown True Reason. I don’t think that guy who shot up country music fans in Las Vegas was crazy. He was just a gambler. But I’m not going to tell THEM that; they wouldn’t even listen to me. Bless their Souls.

No one knows when next the Ghost will strike. If it is omnipresent as the Devil, it can come from anywhere. No foreigner is safe, so Nationalism thrives under our Totalizing Supervision. You train people to ACCEPT this, and they will rationalize it with the entire FORCE of Reason. It takes an EXTREMELY subtle mind to recognize it for insanity. And he is most often, as you’ve figured out by now, my friend, deemed Insane.


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