Thursday, August 15, 2019

Philosophizing with a Hammer and Sickle: Goebbels and Ayers. (a Tale of Two Scorpions.)

It began when I looked up the rules for Go. It is remarkable how little information I could find upon a game that was supposed to be better than Chess, as I was told in High School. As the result of my Search, the song “Let It Go” from Frozen got stuck in my head, as it still is presently. It began to drive me mad. I started to wonder about the lyrics and how Disney could get away with promoting a message which was so transparently emotivist in scope. As only a last resort, a desperate attempt to salvage my own sanity, I searched “emotivism” on Google. I knew the concept from my ethics classes, but this was the first time in a long time that I realized it was not simply the invention of its critics, just some means by which to mock the lesser people, but rather it was the fabrication of a Scorpio whose star pupil and advocate was a Cancer.

Of course, the pseudointellectual professed his finalizing point of view by necessitating an arbitrary standard and then leaving it up to the Public to ridicule those who fell short of it. The value was scientific proof, of course. Since it cannot be proven that something is wrong, he feels justified in denying its moral identity entirely.  It is obvious to any clear-thinking person that this negation is invalid and false. But how great is the fear that one must pretend it is otherwise, just to blend in with the public!! What if they are really so barbaric as to surrender their lives for this charlatan??

Without a moral imperative, survival itself loses meaning, since we would have no felt need to continue living on Earth. Without a moral imperative, the facts themselves become illusory projections. A.J. Ayer argues, like a child, that he can prove that money was stolen but not that the theft was wrongful. Yet by what definition is it “money”? Who is to determine that it was “stolen”? How are we to assign authorities to make this affirmation if we cannot even trust OURSELVES to be of character and soundness of mind?

Taken to its logical conclusion, I would be moved to a degree of fury that might take precedence over all reservations and would culminate in violence against all who offend my principles, including the speaker and all other beings of his kind. But where would that fury even COME from?

If human beings make decisions based upon emotions, those emotions are extensions of their external environments, since we get most if not all of our feelings from other living beings. As one matures, it follows logically that one seeks to accommodate ALL emotions, in all times and places, for everyone. Yet since this seems to be tragically and devastatingly impossible, one develops a conscience, which is an internal compass by which one derives meaning from one’s life (and hence justification for it) by the extent to which the ATTEMPT is heroic, according to a set of inherited principles called ethics. It is by this constant striving that Life becomes bearable. As a more decent incarnation of the Scorpio archetype described it, we must protest Absurdity and imagine Sisyphus being happy. To do less than all of those things is to cede one’s identity as Human.

The sciences were only ever meant to aid in the exploration of this external world so as to determine the best course of action in accommodating the emotions of others. Is this not universally self-evident? Pisces is not the only sign which Scorpio cannot manipulate. And we all know the consequences of emotivism from Goebbels, another noteworthy rhetorician of the Scorpio Sun Sign’s tradition.


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