Monday, August 5, 2019

THE NORTH KORE: (Reposted and Amended.)

Do you want to know why I am “still” a communist? It is because I don’t wish to be punished for my virtue. I do not wish to be punished by my “equals”, constantly derided by them, either out of envy for my “gifts” or out of pity for my “failings”. I do not wish to be sabotaged by those I care about the most, those I am ready, time and time again, to pledge my LIFE to, and to give it sooner than I give the sacrifice a second thought. I love the North Koreans for their true egalitarianism, untinged by the perverse will which condemns one to the arbitration of his fellow’s perverse whims. I weigh them more generously against images of models and celebrities, unattainable gods and goddesses of the entertainment class, a new clergy that keeps their wealthy rulers in power. I can tolerate, I think, the pains of hunger knowing that I suffer not alone but among millions of human neighbours. But to be alone entirely!! To find that my place of employment is no righteous institution, that my fellows work to serve their private ends and not collective goals, and that my needs depend upon not only my abilities, of which I offer without hesitation, but by arbitration from superiors who represent THEIR interests. It is Hell. Wouldn’t you agree? I enter youthful, full of vigour and conviction, and I leave a tormented and tattered husk of all my prior optimism, seeing it for what it all ways was: sheer propaganda. The gap is much too great to be ignored; it haunts me in both waking and in sleep, driving me closer every day towards madness, a descent so maddening to watch in itself. And if this gap is not between reality and fantasy, it is between THEIR reality and mine. And then mine is the fantasy which represents the life they really live, for which they are forever seldom held accountable, for ethics lie beneath them. The only fantasy we share is that we are all equals, and if my equality is simply “equal opportunity” I am forever slave to opportunists and manipulators. Where I enter I enter at the lowest position, answering to everyone though getting little answer for my own questions, deferred perpetually to my superiors who in turn delegate to my peers, some of whom are my most notorious oppressors. I know not why a government must be so ruthless for its people to be better than this. But I have to hope that if someday my government can truly live up to some semblance of a moral code, then I will be rewarded for my virtue, not because I seek award or praise, but just because without it those who fall short of that virtue and who hurt me and my fellows won’t be punished*. If we can’t be equals, truly, owing to their shortcomings, at least a better State would shelter me from the oppression of my peers.


*Clearly I demonstrate that my longing for equality is pure and that my willingness is great to make all the necessary sacrifices, to take all the risks, and to accept the hardships; I simply can have no sympathy for those who do not feel that longing for a human cause. If equality is truly impossible, I will accept as well the burden of status, a most peculiar concept to me but one that undoubtedly should favour me if I have remained blameless in service to my fellows, instead of punishing me for the service at the behest of those same fellows. This longing for justice is no different from my yearning for equality, and if I should have to accept this reward at the expense of those who are responsible for our depraved condition, then I will do so knowing that I am protecting us by punishing them, for the most of us would surely never question our human solidarity. My faith in our equality will not be mitigated, and neither will my willingness to undergo the aforementioned hardships, risks, and sacrifices. The embarrassment of holding status will be the fault of those, then, who no longer have it, for it is only in their failure to accept our universal solidarity that they would leave us no recourse except for such a meritocracy. At that point, I will have then to accept the example set by North Korea as the best worldly standard, a true practical Utopia, and you will never be able again to call my integrity into question by suggesting an ulterior motive. You will no longer hurt us with absurd and persistent disconfirmation, forcing us to clear our names when it was we who were clear of all wrongdoing from the beginning. Your petty projections will be meaningless before the law, and I will not be blamed that this should have to be the way things are, for I devised neither the problem nor its solution; I sought only refuge for all. As certainly as I know that this is the Truth, I can expect others to hear it as the Truth, without its being adorned or sold in order to accommodate a self-entitled, narcissistic paranoiac skeptic. At any rate, I have all ready answered any theoretical attacks against my dignity, with great expedience, within the text itself, and no warrant remains to be produced against me.


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