Saturday, August 17, 2019

Why I am a Heterosexual: the First Conclusive Essay.

Look: it’s very simple. Many people WANT to get married, and most people have a demonstrable INCLINATION to have sex. But neither of these outcomes are guaranteed to anyone, so we have to consider whether or not this desire is healthy. Now, obviously, for millions of years heterosexuality has served an integral role in the survival of the species, so if we presume upon the value of our survival, there is a historical precedent for this particular set of instincts, enough so that they should be allowed expression within the context of an ethic which, despite marked variations between cultures, is fairly universal in its ARCHETYPAL quality (foremost of which is the Damsel in Distress archetype, arguably one of the oldest mythological archetypes to occur in every known society, as well as the core underlying chivalry, law and order, and even the same dogmatic, feministic ideologies which criticize it hypocritically, though it is quite transparent that the men who reinforce these ideologies, often at the expense of their own rational judgement, do so under the influence of this irrational impulse). Such an ethic of “normativity” would thus have to comprise the entire core of sexual regulation, as well as the EXTREMELY bureaucratic (and even Kafkaesque) institution of consent, for without a tradition by which to UNDERSTAND such principles such as marriage, love, romance, chivalry, jealousy, loyalty and freedom, we would end up in the same position which MacIntyre had courageously posited in After Virtue: we would have the language of morality without its meaning, much like people who “believe in science” but know nothing of its formal practice. Of course, a rich history of literature, now assembled and made available through the Global Internet, should THEORETICALLY allow us an advantage in RESTORING the meaning of these traditional notions in such a manner that would dissolve any lingering confusion between individuals, enabling them to act upon their sexual impulses without any fear of rejection based upon either meaningless arbitration (e.g. facial appearance or muscularity) or false accusations based upon moral dubiousness (such as the sort of Kangaroo Court that one is subject to when one must spend months, if not years, of one’s life trying to discern the grounds for “a creepy vibe”, to see if this nebulous observation holds merit). Unfortunately, any advantage that we might hope to gain over nations with extremely limited Internet access is squandered by ignorance. I might, for instance, present a prospective mate with this same article in the manner of a “pickup line”, justifying a sexual advance by sheer self-evidence, or I might write an epic poem in five acts, or a stage play more than two-hundred pages in length, in order to try to advance towards my first act of sexual intercourse. Yet none of these approaches would be guaranteed to work in securing an audience, nor even for dispelling the absurd claims made against me, and two of the three I can attest, from experience, to have failed, without any formal explanation.

As far as I am aware, the only truly resounding literary precedent for the practice of homosexuality is found in Foucault, though for reasons I cannot explain, even to myself, Foucault’s personal tendencies, such as his willingness to spread H.I.V. even after having been diagnosed with it, are STILL considered “a disorder” in precisely the same manner that he criticized. “Mental health awareness” continues to run neck and neck with “L.G.B.T.Q.A. rights”, though no one seems to “question” (even in a group which claims that “Questioning” is just) that these two strains are not COMPETING but CONFORMING to each other. How can a psychiatric institution continue to operate in a society which has so wholeheartedly embraced the ethos of poststructuralism? Could it be that perhaps the term “homophobia” is but another addition to the starkly oppressive and utterly, incomprehensibly vague Diagnostic Manual? Is it not possible, though such an Orwellian claim would surpass even MacIntyre’s philosophy in radicalism, that an entire global population, blessed with unprecedented technological power, would abuse it to establish a Behaviourist State, wherein every gesture, even the presentation of a dissenting opinion, is weighed against the diagnosis of an underlying FEAR, such as “homophobia” or “racism”?

After all: why DON’T you hear people debating the virtues or vices of homosexuality in the media? Why would anyone, ESPECIALLY a heterosexual who has committed one’s life and well-being to a more traditional path, PRESUME upon the integrity of this deviant branch of thinking? If Foucault could argue that MAN is a recent invention, cannot the same be said of homosexuality, as it is understood by the L.G.B.T.Q.A? Who would simply PRESUME that heterosexuality and homosexuality could coexist without either constant conflict or oppressive restriction by a bureaucracy? Do we not appeal to the authority of the past constantly? And is it not possible that any resolution or Hegelian synthesis which might be imagined to exist between these starkly divergent sets of habits might be in FACT a purely passive-aggressive state of affairs, a wool cast over the eyes of the people, much like the SEEMING non-contradiction between the cults of “Mental Health Awareness” and the “L.G.B.T.Q.”? Furthermore, if one were pious in one’s devotion to the pursuit of mates of the same sex, perhaps owing to the sort of conviction that Sappho or Wittgenstein held, or even Wilde, why would one WANT to join a “group” that supervises this? Would the “L.G.B.T.Q.”, simply by BEING AN ALLIANCE, cast doubt upon not only its own integrity but the integrity of those whom it claims, with totalizing arrogance, to represent? What right would we have to acknowledge it as thinkers? Certainly I have very little PERSONAL investment in promoting an absolute CLAIM about the nature of homosexuality and its virtues. What inspires contempt and even hatred within me is the patronizing expectation that I would simply AGREE that “gays have rights” because I would WANT people to agree in their position. I might WANT people to acknowledge the virtues of my heterosexuality and even to consent to help me to fulfill my personal sexual goals, as entitlements within a meritocracy. But I cannot simply expect my DESIRES to be descriptive of my character in such a manner that the State and Media MUST accept them, presuming this character to be immutable and therefore any attempts made to alter it or express skepticism of it to be oppression by the Mass. Nor can I simply have the luxury of EXPECTING that if I were possessed of homophobia then the same Mass would not be just as oppressive towards me for it. In truth, the only PHOBIA which I possess is a rational response to an incomprehensible set of circumstances which would only APPEAR to be an irrational delusion if I had to convey them to an outsider. Namely, my phobia is that of the General Public and the force of Popular Suggestion. People act as though they know something that by their own definition *I* CANNOT know. I am led to believe, for instance, that NINETY-SEVEN PER CENT of the adult population has had sexual intercourse, though PERSONAL EXPERIENCE will evidence, as aforementioned, that this is bureaucratically and legally nearly impossible. People parade in the streets, in mobs as if on Carnival, professing “Pride”, which was considered, up until only the last ten years, one of the seven DEADLIST of vices. Even a staunch non-sectarian such as J. Krishnamurti admonished schoolchildren against it!! How does the American Public expect to SELL it to me now??? What is there to be PROUD of, any way? Desiring sex does not make me great, and I have even recently been told, BY a female, that there WAS no rung of the rainbow flag which represented me. Apparently, I am on an entirely different spectrum!! When met with the slur of being “privileged”, I did my best to remain articulate before so chilling a Fascist implication. I alluded to the pedestalization of Jews by the Nazis, for instance, pointing out how being “privileged” and “controlling the World” are irrational scare tactics used to oppress an all ready ailing people. My comments, though dense and precise, however impulsively conceived, were removed under the classification of “hate speech”, despite the fact that not a single formal slur was uttered and the INITIAL slur was most probably unredressed. Even social media determines what “is or is not hateful”, with psychiatric absurdity, according to an entirely IRRATIONAL bias in favour of an ideological absolute. It even PERMITS OVERTLY hateful language under the auspices of spreading “AWARENESS”!! Where is Foucault now to tear it down???

It seems that an alarming number of people within my own generation have given up on the pursuit of objective criteria for social behavior, simply allowing one another to lead amoral and meaningless lives. But if I can understand the absurdity of doing so, that absurdity must extend to others; I am no exception, so how can I exempt them from my findings? The very institution of consent as a legal mandate for sexual intercourse implies that personal choices are largely meaningless EXCEPT WITHIN the context of a social order; this was precisely the intuition with which Foucault helped French intellectuals to depart from the rugged Marxist individualism of Sartre. It follows logically that individual rights MUST allow for individuals to speak out against ANY pattern of behavior in the Public, and the Public can only be oppressive by stifling this criticism arbitrarily. The most inalienable right is to judge, especially in the absence of a God who does so and preserves our nonjudgmental charm. We must restore our faith in Reason, knowing that it will only lead us to greater freedom and out of the depraving confines of being disenfranchised and alienated. If homosexuality is truly a virtue, its natural strengths will shine through its perceived weaknesses. Yet this has not been done yet. The question of “why have sex with partners of the same sex?” (other than the obvious puns on how one shares sex with them all ready) is no more resolved than its predecessor: WHY HAVE SEX? Experience seems to presume that the answer to this question is: THOU SHALT NOT.


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