Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Tool’s derivative brand of occultism is a different kind of cult from the sorts of cults they criticize; the rather libertarian, psychedelic-inspired rejection of all formal authority creates a hell on earth that is not the patriarchy of being told what to do, nor the matriarchy of being told what not to do, but something perhaps even more diabolical and depraving: a totally nihilistic anarchy wherein all acts, towards all beings, are permitted, but the ability to act out of protection, out of shame, out of conviction or disgust can only be effective to the same extent that natural chance permits, requiring the weak to place their faith in an invisible logos who lives in the numbers and thus makes sense of the chaos, the conscience reduced to a vestige of its former optimism as Maynard snarls “no one is innocent”. This is not an authoritarian state wherein you are told what to do or not to do, but it is an even deeper rung of hell where no one knows WHAT to do, since all actions are fundamentally meaningless and most of them harmful, except for those carried out by the same people who have to suffer for them. Tool is a fantastic band for adolescents because it rejects authority; unfortunately, adult life requires new faith to be found in new authorities in order for it not to spiral out… into madness.


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