Friday, April 10, 2020

SMASH!NG: a Public Letter.

I was reading up on some of my favourite bands and songwriters while listening to Siamese Dream by Smashing Pumpkins. As the album came to a serene close, I was finishing the article on Rob Thomas. I’d read fans rave about his upbringing and lifestyle, but I wouldn’t believe it until I saw it on Wikipedia; so much for ethos. I know I told you that the first Matchbox 20 album is one of my top five. Recently I’ve had to defend this against the perceived accusation (to my mind) of its heteronormative themes. The truth is that it was simply a very personal album by an extremely passionate Aquarian man. Yet it was not long thereafter that he met the woman who would be his wife of twenty years. She inspired the song “Smooth”, amidst many others. You have heard these; I can guarantee you this. Growing up on the Lower East Coast, it would have been inevitable.
One peculiarly Aquarian thing that Rob said, which I recall having read some time recently, was this:
“Each of us has a short ride on this earth and as long as we stay in our lane, and don't affect someone else's ride, we should be allowed to drive as we see fit.”
It’s ironic, isn’t it?
He said this in defense of same-sex marriage. And he pretty much summed up your cult.
By “cult”, I don’t mean in the sense of what I followed after my girlfriend broke up with me. I mean it as something which is not “culture” YET. Something which has to sit out, ferment like a fungus, and then turn to cheese. Which is what most of Rob’s songs sound like to his harshest critics.
This is the theme in my work at present: that any relationship between any two people, whether it is professional or personal, or both or even neither, renders lanes of independence utterly impossible. Everything you do, with anyone, effects multiple people, ultimately Everyone, in the grand sense, I think, in ways that you cannot imagine. Yet, despite the inexplicability of such developments, far greater is therefore the burden which must fall upon us in how we treat others. Yet this cannot be accounted for by merely trends in fashion, by controls put on behavior, or by sheer emotion.
Now: the Pride Movement aspires to preserve its goals by employing Liberal Individualism. What it does, as I see expressed by your own example, is that it promotes emotivism in the privatization of Public Life. It attempts to erect tunnels in which individuals might pursue “their own lanes”, though this is in fact a Tunnel of Love, admitting only two consensual pairings at once.
What it achieves by this is negative. It leaves nothing by which to decide which pairings one OUGHT to enter into. It yields too much to emotion, condemning emotion to an expression which only Reason can refine. And it puts all of this in place of what is called “Ethics”.
This is what you made clear to me when you suggested that I was never the more qualified partner, either to you or to Alanna, nor the dozens of other women who caught my attention over the last ten years. It is also what you imply when you employ “entitlement” not as synonymous with “virtue” or “standing” but rather in the clinical, amoral sense of a personal feelings which others are at liberty (and all too often encouraged) to disregard.
And let me be quite clear:
That change is nothing to be Proud of.
It is regressive, plainly and simply.
All progress comes not causally out of the Past, the domain of emotional conditioning, but rather it is pulled towards the Future, the domain of imperative action and moral teleology. These terms, if they appear abstract, are in fact far more rooted in both common sense and physical evidence than the relatively recent advent of post-structural theory which informs Pride.
To your mind, you are living in your lane, accompanied by only those who willingly would stand beside you, with whom you would just as willingly cohort, yet this mere confluence of wills is but the product of a gamble.
And also:
In my opinion, this sort of life is the most reprehensible.
I cannot stand for it, and neither can I stand beside it passively.
It’s not just that I have a personal investment in proving otherwise.
It is that you have irreparably harmed me and my interests according to it.
You cannot abandon me to such a fate.
One way or another, I will restore moral order to my life. And I hope to do so to your own as well. Power is all that has been left for me. You left it up to chance.
Yet I can do so in a manner which is both dignified and subtle. I simply wish to shatter your illusions of my own perceived obscurity. I’m well aware that you see through me. Yet I doubt that you see me, for you’re too busy looking past what I present.
All lives are interconnected. Liberal individualism cannot excuse us. Its direct result is a hell worse than Fascism: a state wherein arbitration and emotion alone decide policy, and emotion itself is decided by the consent of others, hence informed only by majoritarian mobs of unconscientious people answering only to themselves.
I have shown you but a glimpse of the effect that this has upon a disenfranchised heterosexual mind. You can offer me no security in such a paradigm, and you know this to be true. You only offer my oppressors excuses to carry out their narcissistic enterprises, often to their own demise. You only let them blame the victim, for I never knew how to pursue my own ends by their means. The pursuit of your inclusion leads to my exclusion. All my narcissism and psychosis has been an attempt to adapt to these monsters.

For that, I forgive you.

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