Sunday, April 5, 2020


Heterosexuality is NOT a privilege. It is a tormented struggle, the most difficult ordeal I have ever undergone, and this is not simply “my” experience; the entire history of humanity abounds in accounts which attest to this, within both fact and fiction. It was out of the primordial passion of procreation that ethics developed, and out of those ethics homophobia was born, if not homosexuality itself, but the renunciation of the phobia and the liberation of the homosexuality did nothing to make heterosexuality, the deeper difficulty and more mindboggling mystery, any easier. No amount of self-policing, just to appease a liberal platitude, could provide an answer to the most fundamental riddles of intersexual communication, questions which, in my experience, MOST women, as well as men, never even bothered to ask.  I could not even articulate them off the top of my head, though most moral and metaphysical matters I literally resolve in my own sleep. So you can imagine how livid I grow by the day in finding myself blatantly and shamelessly excluded from the “Pride” community, as though my mere presence were a threat to some network of ideological delusions which this cult holds in common. It has become clear to me what happened: someone compiled a list of minorities, and instead of going about the painstaking work of unriddling the suffering which hung between them, he or she sought to alleviate that suffering by unifying them against an enemy, a minority who was simply a confluence of majorities:



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