Monday, December 23, 2013

Dream Journal Eighty-five.

Last night’s dream,as anticipated, was comforting. It should have beenobvious, because for the first time in weeks I  went to bed with a sense of eagerness rather than dread or mere tiredness.

The imagery was significantly Worldly. I played in a Concert Band again.I played the trumpet. This enterprise was somehow formally  linked with a  theatre production wherein  I  was thankful that I did not have to perform, at the dreaded prospect I contemplated (unusually rationally, for a dream) of having had to perform thoroughly  unrehearsed.

The production was put on within  a very  large fortress most akin to a palace. It was somehow  or another related to our survival or safety, as though  each partcipant’s part were not merely for his success andnot really for anyone’s entertainment,but was in fact  of imperativeand dire urgency to the prosperity  of the group. It was as thogh we were in a castle preparing for a war that may or may not have struck, but vigilance Necessitated that we behave as though it would.

            My role involved affair deal of improvisation and perhaps a bit of work on my trumpet,and it had a tremendous  deal  of memorisation, as a pivotal  role.I can only recall, upon contemplating it in passing, immense gratitude and almost the maddening vertigo of someone who has just unwittingly survived what would have otherwise been a fatal and totally unexpected fall. I had an entirely Uncarved Block -an unadulterated tabula rasa – in regards to my part.


            It followed that the dream segued into a dramatic battle for the freedom of some Damsel in Distress.Set in the same compound,I found myself  a  fugitive and Undesirable in the midst of this fortress which felt  most  akin to a map from  Halo.


I had to pull off an exquisitely delicate yet straightforward procedure. How I had become an enemy  spy  I do not recall, either because the reason was not  divulged or  my  memory is unsubstantiated in regards to that transition.

Even nowwriting it, at any rate, I am inspired and  moved to chart the  design of this mission, for it was so precise and felt unmistakably like a Video Game.


An image from a prior dream resurfaces in  memory. One of many islands or images of the same Island, each the setting of  a  Monkey - Island-style puzzle that indicated quite plainly an underlyingand ineffable Mystery,had this setting. It recurred incalculable times (if not incalculable because of sheer number, then because of obscurity) :

A tunnel towards the North Shore of  the  Island, at the left foot of a hill with a monumentof central significance, wherein a small  train entered as though part of an amusement park ride.


            In this instance, the tunnel was without a train, but its interior resembled most an extended stairwell. The walls were the primer gray of a grim warehouse and it seemed to have  the  feel of one continuous, twisting  landing, labyrinthinebut not  Byzantine, direct but stark and foreboding in its deceptive simplicity, asthough being caught would be that much more intolerable and torturous a fate.



My ideal was not to be seen as I approached  and  traversed the narrow, rectangular corridor that circumvented the young  maidens  holding cell.

This was an ornately decorated  rectangular cubicle whose scrambled-egg golden fact, one of its elongated sides,  looked out over the entire courtyard through (either windows or) window - panes in the corridor that led past itsentrance.

The vibrant  house was most like the monk’s temple in Ripto’s Rage  wherein  Spyro confronts the Yeti; it may have been almost identical.


The holding cell was not the centerpiece of the compound, but it was probably a close second. My actions might have been very barely, if at all, visible from the Courtyard, probably by virtue of the narrowness of the windows,the thickness of the bars between them, or their opacity,if memory serves.


            I knew  that the  cards were stacked against me, asthough an intelligent agency had predicted(and even orchestrated, like level designers) my strike,

My advantage over being spotted owed to my ability to incapacitate what guards didspot me. They were almost uniformly young everymen who lookedsoewhat (but  very notably,and probably more than incidentally)like Joseph Gordon-Levitt.


I entered the chamber and met the young woman. The word ‘maiden’I had used previously is  not to be misleading; contrary to being  idealized or ‘old-fashioned’, she was covetably Realistic  and  Modern.

The interior looked as though it were the inside of the vault in Battalia ( in Ratchet and Clank) that one accesses by the Hacker device; Plain and almost homely, like a warehouse but with traces,unlike the Ratchet and  Clank level, of the quality  of a traditional Japanese  lodging.


We quickly orchestrated our escape. Whetheror not  it  had been successful may have never been resolved,My guess and hypothesis is that we managed to escape  the  structure, if notthe compound, but to what extent is a blind spot.


I almost recall repeating the infiltration several times,as though it had been,in fact,a video game. Several times, it seems, or at least Once, I had to run the long  way  around  after reaching the  North Wall of the rectangular building (to the right of the fromt door, from the girl’s position looking out). This was because, almost sinisterly, the girls guarding the perimeter seemed to know Exactly where I was and often even gave me the haunting impression of leading me on to ambush me by suddenly changing direction. I had to killthe girl when this happened.


This felt as though it were the most significant episode.Prior to it, probably, I had been on a  train.

I  was leaving a city most akin to Prague as I imagined it from reading Kafka. My interest in psychology as a potential career seemed to have been alluded to by the setting, for it was in ‘fictional’ Prague that the Contessa hypnotisedCarmelita Fox.


I remember the train being like the Coaster,but feeling  Behemoth.I was grateful that I had not left anything on the Platform, but I was terrified at the sheer prospect of it.

I was disturbed by  the realization that, had I realized such an emergency mere seconds after the doors shut, none would sympathise, and there would be nothing I could do by screaming for them  to  stopthe train for even a second. Even if it

were my Life’s Work, any such apparently  merely  material concern  would  at best only prompt  incrimination  from the driver that  I  could be so stupid  to  le ave such  a purportedly precious thing unat tended. The episode  seemed  to end with my wondering,  matter-of-factly and almost as Camus  wouldhave, what could be so important.



[           I recall a dream I had wherein I would up within a home on my street. It was ineffably prophetic.Today, I realized that this was probably  Parham’s home.


                        10:43a. Nov. 27,2013

                                    dm.A.A.        ]

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