Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dream Journal Twenty-nine.

  1. All that immediately surfaces in memory is that I was participating in a convention of some sort.Undoubtedly, this was an homage to the Robotics team. I was helping a young man. He seemed self-conscious and hesitant to receive my help. He had been wearing glasses that may have been strapped about his head.


At one point, he had disappeared into an enormous storage space pf some sort in the building where the enterprise was situated.I entered this closet, which seemed in mood and significance to be just like a magnified version of the storage closet at Palomar College that the theatre instructor with the walrus mustache had introduced me to.


I found a friend of his there among a gargantuan pile of rubbisg lying against the entrance wall.

Upon ^ finding the young man with the glasses again, he promptly left the closet, disappearing ultimately into the crowd. dm.A.A.

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