Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dream Journal Twenty-five.

  1. The anxiety of last night’s dream was all of the anxiety of trying to hold on to childhood. Kresten was wrong:Although death is inevitable, living one’s life heroically still makes a difference. As he himself would have acknowledged, perpetual adolescence is optional.


  1. The dream found me first in a sort of setting akin to Camp Fox, except that the compulsory nature of my presence suggested almost the mood of a Concentration Camp.It is likely that my family had accompanied me. There was a theatre production,Wherein a young man* and a young woman,* who seemed so familiar to me that I would have commiserated with them should they have forgotten a line, played two of the most important roles. The musical had them singing  ‘Tonight(We Are Young)’, that ridiculously uninspired pop song that in actual life torments mother.

The boy was markedly unfriendly* in countenance, like Jeff from Joann’s, whereas the girl seemed almost identically remeniscence to the the one who sings ‘On My Own’* in ‘Les Miserables’.


* My favourite song in that musical.


*Shadow.            *Anima.


  1. The dream later found me at a Battle of the Bands that had probably been held at either Palomar College,middle school, or high school. Someone that must, again, have been a personification of the Shadow, except that this time he had taken on the flare of El Macho’s son from ‘Despicable Me 2’, had made me envious with his performance, although I must wait until my Shadow is better integrated before I can recall all of the essential details.

When the time came for me to perform, I played the synthesizer. U was not the bandleader,and the songs that we were playing fell short of my tastes, rendering me very awkward and my performance substandardevenby the audience’s standards.

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