Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Dream Journal Twenty.

Last night's dream was exceedingly anxious. All that I can remember is a backpack that I had been wearing towards the end of it. I had to complete some task either for or with the assistance of a girl who seems identical in feeling to Aisha.

I do not recall how many times I had repeated the same task. All that I remember is that, much like in the structure of a workday at Joann’s, there had been a set of tasks that I had to complete after the main set, the latter(the main set) occupying the greatest amount of time, and the former(the extra tasks)requiring that I travel to another location.                                                                                       simply ^

Again,the motif of my character trying to convince an essentially friendly but frustrated accomplice appeared.I had been telling the girl that the main compartment of the backpack was for the Self, whereas the back pocket was for the Shadow.                                      ^designated

She appeared skeptical, almost to the point of hostility, as Aisha would have been.


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