Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Dream Journal Nineteen.

I dreamt an immensely Elaborate dream, the details of which predominantly escape me. It seemed to deal with my recent flirtation, again, with facebook, and the decision I had made to abandon the website again.


Most of the dream evades memory. What stands is the fact that it was markedly different from my other recent dreams, as though it had been elevated to a more complex state of consciousness.


There had been a Slavic woman on a reality television show. She was asked to describe either a dream or a fantasy that she had had, as were several similarly innocent contestants.


The woman had had blonde hair and the wrinkly skin of a middle-aged woman.


She described four rooms,each identical. Either this had been her description or her story evoked this image in mind, which immediately became physical within the dream.


As she recounted the story, I tried to rearrange the four rooms to see how her description might have worked. Following her description, each room was supposed to be – as I can describe now, using, a Waking simile – barely wider than a king-size bed. Each room contained two pieces of furniture, a window into the next room, and a portal from whence one could enter the room from the window in the previous room. Together, the four identical rooms presumably made a closed loop.


She was also trying– she had been too shallow to merit saying ‘struggling’–to recall a message that some dream had imparted upon her.


Eventually,over the course of the dream, she remembered the message. It had been something to the effect of the world revolving about her.


Towards the end of the dream, either prior to this revelation or following, I had added Lisa Pradhan, successfully, on facebook. Her profile, not unlike my dreams’ portrayals of Alexandra’s socially bustling profile, was otherwise,on the dimension of photographs and her personal comments, a testament to her Gothic, tortured but impervious persona.


What had caught my eye was the end of one of her comments, presumably the last under a photograph or forum post.


It read, with disdain, that she did not enjoy Elliott Smith’s music and that she was frustrated with Dmitry giving that impression.


I tried clicking to read the entire comment.I may have clicked the wrong one, for I might have not seen that comment about Elliott again.


Instead, I saw a behemoth post, the length of a blog entry, with line breaks between the paragraphs, outlining not so much her qualms with Society as with very particular, presumably unpardonable behaviours that she had observed in other people.


As I perused her photographs in pursuit of the comment that had originally caught my attention, I had to make a demanding effort to avoid looking at the first photograph in the last row of a major photo album.The picture displayedan array of luminous gears and mechanisms, like clockwork,set against the predominantly deep blue backdrop of a nebula.


The caption within the photograph had been a testament to the potential of the human mind. I avoided it with the fear of becoming hypnotized into a form of schizophrenia that would spell the doom of not only me but others, if not Humanity in general.


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