Sunday, December 22, 2013

Dream Journal Eighty-three.

Mochi and I were pirates last night,al – though we did no pirating. Rather, we
Traveled to another country, presumably by airplane, although I cannot remember the plane ride. Whatever vehicle we took, I can barely recall the trip.
It must have been by train, although we wound up at an air-port by the end of the dream . The ‘ot-hercountry’ that we visited must have been another state, yet in this case the states of America were no  longer one continuous country.

We met, over the course of  a  week (that supposedly began on late Saturday or Sunday) many people.
There was a giant shopping mall in the midst of a  city. We met Brianna and her friends.
Some of them were not real people. One in particular turned out to be her boyfriend.  We saw them snogging,and this depressed Mochi toward the end of our trip as we were leaving.

Prior to this, our group formed and we explored and investigated the mall leisurely. The weather was cooland brisk. It had the feeling of adult independence, in contrast to maternal care, and  so there was an existential angst in it.
All of the adults we made friends with had a sense of de tachment about them.

As Mochi and I left the mall, we headed towards the airport. This was like nothing I’d seen in dream in a long time.It felt less comfortablebut more Real than any prior recent dreams.
The airport was an enormous complexthat was  as  bustling and impersonal but terrifying  and beautiful by an almost unearnable degree  in  its own r ight.
Mochi and I overlooked our plans. He had an electronic calendar which sho wed each of the days of the monthas  Tarot cards.
He gave  me at first the impression that we would be staying for anothe r week. This  idea I liked because  I had surmised that the  airport wherein we were was the same that I had visited with my family long ago in my remote childhood. The tenacity and austerity of it was Godlike. I was not entirely sure that it was the same,but my hope that it was was greater than my doubt.
 I wanted nothing more than to investigate it, and even to live in it forever. I told Mochi that my family and I had lived in The midst of this airport for several weeks. This was the truth.
My memories were tender.
I was disappointed to find that we would not b e staying, however. Mochi said that I needed to find a  way  to  get home. I needed money. We had ag reed with our school, appare ntly, that we would  only begone for one  week.It was during the schoolyear.
I asked  Mochi when we had left. We calculated and he told  me that  it must have been on Sunday. I checked with him. It  made sense.
The Science Olympiad event had beenon Sat urday.

There was Some sort of souvenir that I brought home from Brianna and her friend s, but I cannot recall  it. It was of relevanceto Mochi as  well. I was incredulous and wanted to  stay behind.
Yet I ended up traveling home  with him.


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