Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dream Journal Thirty-five.

Prelude:            Last night’s dream felt as though it had been from the second chakra, reflecting all of my mingled sexual frustrations and anxiety from work. There was even a perversion of a mystical episode at one point.

1.      I dreamt that I was working the register at Joann. The boss was either Kathi or Jean. There were two Joann stores within almost Starbucks’ proximity of one another, and I had to go back and forth between the one and the other. It may very well have been that Jean was running the one, while Kathi was managing the other.

Each manager had faith in the other’s competence, lending the other the benefit of the doubt when I would show up at her store, presuming, that it had been on the other’s authority. This leant me a very risky freedom alongwith whichcame a  feeling of existential responsibility:I could be at either one store or the other,or neither, so longas neither boss noticedwhat Iwas doing. My in-store radioworked identically well in each of both stores  ( when it  would work at all ).


2.      At one point, my job apparently entailed that I go to akind of fitness program. There was a line of tenniscourts.A young  man with a sarcastic demeanour instructed me to complete  a task in each court.  He and a girl accompanied me through the courses, as my adversaries, coaches,and judges.


Although my contract with Joann had apparently stipulated that I passthis course, I grew anxious, eventually, that I should return to one of the stores soon.


3.      The dream took on several layers at that point. I became absorbed in a computer game involving pirates that immediately became Real when I started to play it, Mr Krabbs accompanied me aboarda ship. Although we had both agreedto a mutual enterprise, I think he may have  betrayed me by virtue of a loop-hole.


4.      I returned home to  find my father playing the game. He had advanced further. He was using either a radio or a phone to contact his own character in a different save slot. By  virtue of this, the protagonist  on the ship could contact the protagonist at the courts,et cetera. He used the phone to call from  the ship to the Joann store.

I made it back to work on time toavoid repercussions. Something  loomed,however: A  hint  that  Mr. Krabbs had, in fact, been  Jean.

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