Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Dream Journal Fifteen.

Dream Journal #15


It * important to note that, last night, Micaiah spent the night at my house. His parents had evicted him from their home earlier in the week, and this had been a desperate attempt on his part to find shelter.

*may be

1.                  I had dreamt that I was in a video game of some sort, but the mood of it was far from frivolous. It matched most closely Jonathan Blow’s* description of a ‘grueling [P]unishing game’.


I was met with some challenge that I could not fulfill. The predominant mood was Paranoia.


2.                  The architecture again seems to hearken back to Jak II. Perhaps this recurring theme would suggest that it is imperative that I play that game more thoroughly.


3.                  I am getting back in touch with my Intro-verted Thinking.


4.                  There was some pervasive Oppressive force, as though from some hostile parental or patriarchal force.


Again, the theme of trying to Arrive somewhere, anxiously, and failing to appears.


5.                  Perhaps this was a Collective Dream? It would explain this helplessness my ego feels in regards to rendering its meaning.


Yesterday was the Fourth of July. Many people were drunk, and most had directed their energy outwards, clinging to the fireworks, the energy of the crowd, the time, the place, and state of consciousness as though they were perpetual adolescents.


Maybe this is why I feel pushed to heroism today. Any method to help, be it extraversion or introversion, logic or feeling.

6.                  If there was a personal dimension to it, it was reflective of my settled predicament. I felt that I had to Get somewhere, but that a set of conditions – an existing predicament – impeded my progress to the imperative Goal.



7.                  I am ^ without doubt that the dream was Collective.








I need to play Jak II in order that I may model level designs that would speak to the Collective Unconscious.




8.                  I had to collect certain items. I had to pass through black portals in order to acquire them in other worlds. I think that there was one per world.


I had to play through the worlds in succession.


There was a council of some sort. Some girl was a part of the council, perhaps reminiscent of Tiffany Lahe.

9.                        Was this dream at all reminiscent of the Alexandra Nicholson nightmares?   The mood and character of the Council would vouch for this explanation.


I feel cast back into adolescence:The excitement of romantic love.


            How many people must have had a blind kiss last night?


I have fallen off the leftside cliff, I think.


All my body tingles. Something ‘important’ has happened in the excited minds of many Americans. Patriotic zeal with the flair of young love.



10.                    Were Carlin’s grandparents there as well?


I was falling short of the Collective’s Expectations, by going against it.


The details appear superfluous now.




The Details:


There were screens arranged high above the ceiling, in one room.

11.              Recollection of Another Dream:

One hallway felt like another dream wherein several friends and I tramped about an impartial city, with freewheeling delight, and finally found an entrance to a small playhouse that was kept by some unsympathetic, contemptuous force.


At some other point in this* dream, I was walking through a hallway almost akin to the corridor in Lofty Castle (Spyro the Dragon), except that it was a museum.


* or some other                        strangely

12.              In this dream, there was a corridor ^ akin in mood to the second Spyro game* except that it was much darker, and there was a pervasive tone of discord and anarchy.


* which Maria has been waiting to play.



The charged energy, now possessed(or assuaged) feels like overwhelming, erotic, almost incestuous desire.


Remembering that this was almost definitely a Collective Dream, my individual conscience is put at Great Ease.


The fireworks and hot dogs of yesterday,as well as the smell of beer, mark the quality   of this.

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