Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dream Journal Thirty-one.

Last night’s dream was a plethora of heroic sequences which, again, predominantly escape my memory.What I will not forget, however, is the last episode.

I was Samurai Jack. Part of the dream  even  felt more like watching a cartoon than being in the active role of a hero.

The Joker had captured–or was otherwise preparing to capture– several of my friends,I had to pass through an obstacle course of his device. The terror experience in this gauntlet was worthy of the Saw films,though little in the environment  seemed at first to justify it; it was more akin to the psychological intimidation of the Scarecrow.

            The final challenge I can recall did justify my Horror, however. I was in a compact, brightly coloured tunnel comprised of shifting prisms, like a corridor with a lowceiling and innumerable shafts that became still deeper corridors when one fell into them, creating the horrifying impression of anendless, labyrinthine snare. The prisms,each nogreater in width than my large Casio keyboard but considerable in  lengthy, would shift and change position as I tried to jump across a gap, suggesting an homage to the platforming game that I am designing in Actual life, perhaps serving as a more diabolical counterpoint to what I had consciously intended to be a very light-hearted  game mechanic.
Having literally fallen short of crossing the chasm several attempts in a row, I have up on trying to calculate the pattern by which the walls took their course. I drew a black cloth from my robes, may be even tearing(or having torn ) it from my belt.I then proceeded to successfully traverse the array blindfolded.            dm.A.A.

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