Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dream Journal Thirty-six.

I had skipped one night of dream journaling because the task had appeared overwhelming.What I can remember I will recount here.


I was traveling, with a mind of free-spirited Ambitiousness into atrue Unknown.Part  of the journey I traveled Alone.It was a deep blue night  with the feeling of being perpetual.It felt as Downtown San Diego feels whenever I go there alone.

            In the midst of assort of abandoned urban shopping mall, I found solace in a tiny compartment. The building seemed al most as though it had been built  for  me.

            An older woman who must have represented my mother appeared at one point and accompanied me throughout the remainderofthe dream.She had had an air of marked maternal presumptuousnessas she instructed me in what my mission was.

            I awoke in a state of guilt regardingthe subject of the prior Journal Entry.   dm.A.

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