Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Dream Journal Eleven.


1.      The archetype of the hoarder is represented in my art by the smoking buildings. This is Peter Pettigrew, and it is Gollum.


Does it appear in Star Wars?


Perchance in Jabba the Hutt.


Emotions are expressions of constants. Constants cannot be held onto; they cannot be let go.


They are aethereal.


Material things can be hoarded or destroyed, but no necessity exists to do the one or the other except in a ritual by virtue of which an archetype—or constant—is accorded with. Hoarding happens when Sirius fails to kill Pettigrew.


Sirius, embodied in the Wolf, is the Liberating Principle. He is vilified by the devices of the Hoarding Ego, Peter. Gollum and Pettigrew are both spared for a short time being.


2.      Last night’s dream is hazy, constipated in my hungover and overworked mind.


I recall a pervasive mood of stress and aggression, as though I beheld the intellectually arranged structure underlying Jak II and were in childish fixation, a mixture of awe and crushing intimidation, at its intricacies, I feel as though I am in college again.


            I wish I were.


            Even Maria is too uptight.


            Hoarding childhood doesn’t do; it just makes me more uptight.


3.      Was my dream a Collective Dream?


The Collective Unconscious haunts me.

I want to be Jak:the Hero who will stop the encroaching Metal Heads. ‘No one is free until everyone is free.’            dm.A.A.

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