Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dream Journal Fifty-three.

I awoke with a pervasive Tension and a bit of worry, though the latter had more or less  abated.


Whatever had  happened was apparently not important enough toremember.


What little I do remember was riding the Sprinter train again.


I rode to Palomar College.I took classes there. I encountered Marissa’s old friends again.The tension from my karma was unresolved ,outwardly at least.



I revisited the mystical seers in the science building.


They  told me that I was doing well.

I should stop second-guessing myself.


I took  another test.They administered it.


The test concerned mystical common sense. It asked me if I felt afraid of being Alone, perhaps.


I headed back come nightfall. There was a misadventure.


During daytime, I roamed about the smoggy city luxuriously. The air had the character of smog  because of the aggressive energy.


I came to , presumably, the same shopping mall wherein Tom killed those officers.It was The mall.

I was outside it,in the parking lot.


?          I entered one of the shops. It was like entering the tower in Lofty Castle wherein one  walks along an arc corridor and finds a whirlwind that transport  one  onto a ledge where a dragfon  waits to b e rescued.


?          The shop   was  at  once a smoothie shop  and  a museum.  It may,in fact,have not been both.


?          It was supposed to be a  cinema. Walking along one of the  circular corridors would reveal it to be an art gallery.


?          There was a store than  was at once smoothie  shop, pizza parlour , theatre, and musum, unless  I  am  mistaken.



            Something particular happenedwhilst I was heading back from college.I met with  a malicious gentleman.


            There was at one point in the dream a group of young gang members intent on killing me. Sebastian and other members of Marissa/Alexandra’s socialgroup were there.


            There were two  locations, predominantly,  where our chase took place. One was the mall, on the sixth floor in particular.  Here parts pf the mall took on qualities of  what a level in Prince of Persia ( The three-dimensional version) would look like if it were set in a museum.


The other location was the apartment building wherein I went originally to meet with some friend whowould go on to betrau me.  


The Rancho Bernardo  High School Royal Regiment was also in the dream.The friends who betrayed me belonged to it.



The Joker’s  White  Van reappeared.


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