Monday, August 7, 2017

A Tale of Transparency:

This is the problem that I have with you: that you act wishy-washy, as though you didn't know the sky from the Earth, and even less so did you know what you wanted out of life. And as surfers who adapt to the shifts in waves we adapt to your seemingly arbitrary gyrations. But then comes a time when you cross one of us. And we can't hold you accountable to your ideals; we know that by now. But we can at least hold you accountable to us for OUR ideals when it comes to wrongdoing towards us. And what do we find? All along you harboured the most congealed, barbaric and dogmatic biases AGAINST us and in favour of what YOU believe that we should be. And even as we demand justice for your own misdeeds you accuse US of the same dogma, barely admitting to your own. Meanwhile it becomes apparent that beneath the seemingly fluid surface there was all ways an underlying Plan of which we had no part and in which we had no say, but that we were expected to accord with. And how can you accuse us of having deliberately violated it when we were left unaware of not only the secrets but the fact that there WERE any secrets? How were we supposed to either accommodate your plan or qualify it in such a way that it could serve more people, based upon what we knew and what we ourselves valued, as to supplement your own narrow perspective? How are we to take this sudden outburst of conviction if not to conclude that you had intended, all the while, to see this vision through to completion ON YOUR OWN. And yet you are not permitted to. For, after all, you had purported to support totally different values, and whenever we held discussion as to our course of action you dismissed us as being all too serious in our convictions. But even that dismissal was a conviction; even that was commitment to a cause. And that cause you have violated. So how are you to atone now for your hypocrisy? Certainly not by adding insult to injury by professing that we are all hypocrites. By what authority? Yours? You never even involved yourself in our deliberations! You never even bothered to contribute your own Plan to the development of our Way of Life, except without our permission and AT OUR EXPENSE. So how dare you to accuse any ONE of us of harbouring an agenda, then? What shadow can you cast upon our intentions when your own have come to the surface? NONE. You have no say in accountability; whatever you might think you know about us you can only ever know through the SCREEN of intransparency. You have had no one-way mirror with which to observe us; just as readily as you concealed your own intentions you muddled ours. For had you truly been a man of your own word and had you truly valued us as you pretended to, you would have understood our actions from experience as having accorded with our outspoken principles. But since you had no intent whatsoever to uphold those values, how could you have understood our unpredictable actions in any way but in reference to your own, HIDDEN values, of which we had known nothing? It is no wonder that our behaviour was so unpredictable to you. You were all ways living on an entirely different planet. So now you believe that you can come back down to Earth and dictate our wrongs to US? Save your retort. Nothing you will produce will shine with such sudden redemptive brilliance as to be able to undo my argument. You can only feed the flame of the argument by continuing to point out untruths from a biased posture. They are only true to you, and since you have been untrue towards US, why should we listen? It is much too late for us to include YOU in our deliberations. We move on without you, whilst you grovel before the "sheer facts" of your own device: that it was we that were the hypocrites and degenerates. But could one have produced so eloquent a tale as I have just penned? You might believe that YOU can. But all ready I have proven to you why that eloquence will have been lost on noble ears. And your debt remains unpaid. We can only hope to cleanse our wounds from your betrayal with these words of your undoing.


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