Saturday, August 26, 2017

Letter to an Unknown E-mail:

For the record: if you do not know me, disregard. If you DO, know that I guessed the last few letters of my own accord. I had the opportunity to access your entire public record online. The Age of Privacy is over. So be it. I retain the fortitude to resist temptation. I am no Faust; I do not require knowledge to feel secure, only Imagination.

In this day and age, it is ironical that people ask for numbers when all that information is available, for sale at the price of a Body Shot. Yet it is a testament to our integrity that we do things the old-fashioned way. When we look people up online and find (to our shock!) that they are convicted stalkers, we forget that we had to stalk them to acquire that information. Technology makes hypocrites of us all.

Its saving grace is that if everyone is a stalker, no one is. At any rate: specific details are preferred to superstitions and nebulous generalizations. For better or for worse, I had to use this set of media to their full extent, drawing the line only at what I could handle knowing as impersonal data. To have left the computer untouched in this respect would have been to accrue the blame due to a Luddite Cave-Dweller who had the power all ways at his fingertips to act with influence. And there is no point dwelling in nostalgia for a time when this was unnecessary. The world moves on, as people become less available in person. As much as it pained me in its Absurdity, I had an obligation to adapt, to keep up and EVEN to compete. Forgive me.

At least I can see it. That should testify towards my human-hearted magnanimity. I hope it absolves me of blame and marginalization.

Again: if you know not who this is, it did not matter any way. If you do: know I spared the more incriminating details, for fear that the emotions that you and I shared (as Empathy would attest to) would fall into the hands of an incidental namesake.


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