Tuesday, August 8, 2017

How to Make a Fascist.

How to Make a Fascist.

You see, it’s not hard to make a Fascist. You begin by pulling these kids practically FROM THE DIRT. You put them in a school where every body looks like them and talks like them. For every feeling that you have there is assigned a word and attitude, all aimed at getting you what YOU wanted, granted you “deserve” it, and that becomes Your Life. No more, no less. You fit in from birth, and you aren’t taught sympathy for those who fit OUT. They are out there stumbling through life, trying to make some semblance of sense of it, whether it’s about the pleasures or the passions, whether it’s supposed to make sense or it’s all just nonsense, and these poor souls just get kicked around and what do you do? You kick THEM too. Not because you were taught sympathy from a young age. But because you were taught HOW THINGS WERE SUPPOSED TO BE. And even when you act AGAINST your own damned principles of how things are supposed to be, you don’t care! You don’t CARE that what you put the OTHER through is just what you most fear. You are a total coward by the time that you start drinking and you find some girl who likes you because you look just like she had dreamt you would, because you know they taught her what to dream as well. And then you fuck and your dad catches you and one way or an other you “Become a Man”. And then you join the SERVICE. All because you ate a mushroom at a party because booze was getting boring. And now you are REALLY in for it. Now you are REALLY a Man. Because now you’ve seen death, and yes: they have a word for that too. MANY words for it. Words that celebrate. Words that commemorate. Words that justify. Words that bewail. And you are then exactly what they WANT you to be. And you call yourself a man. And you call yourself, if you have the vocabulary for it, an Individual. And you call yourself “Free”. And that’s all that you know. God, Guns, and Country. You are now the Common Man, believing himself to be Special because he was TOLD that. Every part of you that matters was determined from birth. And the only real CHOICES you made were Budweiser or Newcastle. You call yourself unique because you’re a CONSUMER. You call yourself “free” because you drink within the country that purports its self to have the greatest economy in the World, so we can all ways now be “free” to choose Light Beer or IPA. I know that both Bud and Newcastle are Light; humour me if I change metaphors callously. My point is, any way: you listening? My point is, hey: This is your average American. He doesn’t “think for himself”. He acts in packs. He is willing to kill people just for the chance to stay up late getting wasted and listening to country music. And whom does he hate? Not terrorists. Not Muslims. Not even Democrats! Those are but heathens to be converted. Whom he REALLY hates is… drumroll, please… HIPPIES! He HATES the very PEOPLE that are doing what HE’S doing! Sure: it’s weed and it’s not alcohol. Sometimes. Sure: it’s the Grateful Dead and not Pure Prairie League. Sometimes. But all in all: he hates the people who are doing just what HE is doing, but who do not LOOK LIKE HIM. Because they CHALLENGE him. His whole life he’s known who he is by whom he’s not. He’s taught exactly whom to love and whom to hate and whom to shove and whom to imitate. And then a long-haired, jobless hobo with a tye-dye tee shirt comes along and starts to talk to him about the War. And what does he know about war? Thinks our Hero. But then it turns out that hippie fought in Vietnam, right beside his daddy. Our Hero’s daddy. And that hippie never wanted to go, sure. But HE WAS THERE. And he came out of it a totally different person! What is Our Hero then to do? TO sock the guy? TO pray for him? To thank him? TO buy him a drink? He doesn’t know. So even if he cannot bring himself to hate the guy, he hates every one else that looks like him. He hates just what the hippie REPRESENTS. He hates “those fucking hippies” because LOOK what they have done to White America! They got one of our OWN, one of the Rooster boys who fought in Nam! Kill them! And so he does. He murders hippies if he can because they’re “not like him”. He doesn’t have to know them personally, as he did with Mr. Rooster Boy. And he ASKS QUESTIONS LATER. There’s the rub: he does not THINK of why he hates them first. He hates them first, and then he RATIONALIZES. You know: Heinlein said that man is a rationalizing animal. He should speak for himself; the Libertarian Nut is as rationalizing as they come. What would FREUD say? Any way, you get the idea. All this bullshit about us and who we are “supposed” to be and why we’re wrong or should get shot for fitting OUT. It’s bullshit. And we live in fear of it because it’s growing like a Cancer every day. We don’t want to believe it. So we tell ourselves that this is Who We Are. And even in our liberal agendas we include some fair degree of good old-fashioned sexism, sexual repression, hypocrisy, and bloodlust. And it only makes things worse for Mr. Fascist who sees us, with our dyed hair and our band tees, and grovels before the facts that in every sense that matters we are doing what HE’S doing. And so the cycle continues. Welcome to America.


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