Wednesday, August 2, 2017

WEDNESDAY MORNING: (The 2nd of August, 2017.)


The dream was Kafkaesque and dark, but it had a certain redemptive quality to it that Kafka never did. It felt suffused with transcendence and the simple dignity of survival, minus the civilized embarrassment at having to PLOT for survival.
I realize that it was my selflessness that left me out of any sort of ordinary maturity. Whilst my peers went about their business trying to secure themselves and their well-being at any cost, devising false ethics out of unsympathetic competition and narcissism, where was my focus?
It was on the hallways of my high school, and how I was not ready to part with the rough contours of those pillars that upheld the school roofs. I had no personal attachment to them in the way that my close friends had had, as though it was I that had vandalized the roofs by tossing peanut butter at them, having left my mark if not in peanut butter crust then in a change of cafeteria policy. No: my attachment was selfless and inspired from start to finish. Maturity for me meant the freedom to devote more and more of my focus to these simple things: buildings, plants, and vague spirits for which education had only a ghost of a name.
It is for this reason that I first gained the courage to check my messages from St**** only after having past through the High School Campus, passing the most recent staff with a sense of entitlement after having taken a battle wound when I slipped on the edge of the Performing Arts building, trying to pass over it gracefully and failing by an excess of trust.
Someone should really do something about that wretched building.

My dream contained within it a detail that to Conscious Thought is a revelation: that one of the heavily barricaded cloisters in which I would hide from my traitorous fellows was in fact directly adjacent to one of the classrooms of the fictional campus that R.B.H.S. shared with Palomar College. It had all ways resembled a lab, especially one belonging to a Mad Scientist from a Video Game (esp. Quartz Quadrant from Sonic CD or the final boss fight in Crash Bandicoot: Warped.). I can understand that I found shelter here. After all: the game that I had infiltrated was simply an other of a number of games I had initiated in childhood, back in the Bernardo Point Apartments. Those were days I knew myself and how to persevere, to lurk in my own private integrity before it was condemned by peers, elders, and even my younger friends. And those were days I knew how to INITIATE A GAME. It follows logically that a great deal of the struggle I am involved in is of my own device. But that does not pardon those kids who could not play by my rules. The Game is too sacred at this point to pardon that.

Why do I play it at night? Because it is only under the auspices of the Game that I MYSELF created that I can travel under cover of Darkness.

My meeting on Sunday with my Soul Sister imbibed me with the confidence I need to interpret my OWN dreams. She disproved Shannon’s claim that Dreams come from a realm that Art does not. It is nothing I will hold against Shannon, arrogant as he may be; he is simply more sensory, and that much has all ways been clear. Now I employ my artistic storytelling impulses towards their proper ends: The PROPER conveyance of this Dream Imagery to its consummation in Wisdom. And the past has no shadow upon me, even as I listen to the songs of my own composition that were condemned as “sad” when I simply conceived of them as being “passionate”.

After all: why ought I NOT to act as my own interpreter? Sure: even Jung regretted that he had no Jung to interpret his own dreams. So be it; Jung not only regretted his dependency upon others, but he by the same taken aggrandized his own superior authority, lamenting that his fellows could not live up to his God-given genius.

It is time that I live up to my OWN genius. Some of my fellows still require guidance; their problems are too severe for them to handle alone, on the ego’s terms. But what my dialogue with my Soul Sister evidences is that I have transcended that need, and I can trust myself in these Independent Times. And I will not allow my good will to my ungrateful neighbours to compel me to level with them as a beast of burden for their neuroses.

I hear sirens outside. They are frequent nowadays. The usually triggering sounds again sound like childlike wails of joy and of excitement. In that order.

What follows is my interpretation: that I had to escape from adulthood upon recognition of the corruptness of its institutions. I fled to childhood, but my enemies followed. Tony betrayed me by asking about my childhood. He tried to reconstruct it, and so my childhood became confined in semblance to that shifting building that I explored with Andrew. But it was only a temporary holding cell. I escaped. I fled along the familiar channels. I first found refuge in the Museum, but it was taken over by sabotage: Romantic Disappointment. So I escaped and found the Collossal Jungle Gym. This represented the Fifth Chakra, a powerful one for me. All my prospects seemed to think that I was “good at talking”, and I had all ways enjoyed Speech and Debate. I have come a long way since the Notorious Stuttering Days in Sixth Grade.

That number: six. It triggers me as I listen to the reversed tracks on my most recent and personally successful album. Both are suggestive of the Devil. Tony personified the concept of the Devil by first ascribing it to K. and then to discrediting it, planting in my mind the fear of someone “worse than” K. The strawman works wonders as all ways.

Most of my fears are but petty wounds from Greater Battles. Those Battles are over. That I must remember. And “worse than” is not the Absolute term that Tony makes it out to be; it is very relative, and since it does not NEED to be an Absolute it retains its Universal Integrity. Such is the paradox: that if every thing goes then Every Voice Matters. And that brings me back to the Throat:

By avenue of this Career in the Language Game I crossed the extraverted bridge into a ship that set sail through the Dark Night of the Soul. This is surely a pirate’s ship. I remember how my Soul Sister was a pirate in a past life. I remember that I told her about how I used to play at piracy in Day Care. The games all ways began on a Jungle Gym. How had I forgotten? I suppose I never did; I was simply apathetic. Adulthood is a mistake. Simply ignoring the Unconscious does not make it go away. I am ready to listen now to my Inner Child. It is the very prerequisite to Love.

This ship brought me into day-light. The mutiny was unsuccessful. I used my heroes as Guiding Stars. Lynch was one. So was Linklater. And most recently Gilligan. I only wonder if Vince ever visited Gilligan’s Island. But I shed my facetiousness.

The ship did crash ultimately. This was the event from The Curse of Monkey Island. In that game it precluded the mutiny. In my dream, the mutiny came first.

I landed on the Island of Blame, and like Prospero I had to make my way back. I had to play the game by its own rules and limitations. Hence it was the part most obviously modeled after Monkey Island. I struggled, only managing to acquire a shovel and a few trinkets of dubious value and utility. But I managed to make it far enough Inland to take part in the Three-Dimensional War Game. So the Life of Action overtook the Life of Thought, Blame was escaped, and I ascended to the top of the Battle Field, not unlike Jak does so many times or Spyro does. I must have glided out, whether by glider or by my own wings. But it is possible that I teleported or otherwise ascended on a Flying Sea Vessel. Still: it’s possible that ship was from too long ago to have been so. I don’t remember how I escaped the Island. But perhaps each day I find myself needing to do so. Did I ever escape in fact? I hope so. Otherwise I know not what lies beyond this Island. A Sea of Misery, as for Prospero? I hope not. And I hope that hope is not vanity.

This much is certain: The Game of Blame is where the Rules Come From. The Life Beyond this Isle HAS no rules. And so perhaps my own integrity is enough. Perhaps this simply means that I must fight my final battle without help. So be it. I am still innocent. That much I know.

I think I understand now.

There is a Tesseract within the Island of Blame. It transports me to High School. I play the game of High School and it becomes the Reality. This must be what it means to travel Four-Dimensionally: to have the smaller microcosm of the “Illusion” subsume the “Reality” of one’s most recent game and to BECOME REALITY, whilst the other game is seen to have only been a game all along, and it becomes Illusory in a four-dimensionally relative way, shrinking into the confines of the New Game.

So it was that I transitioned from High School back into my barracks. And I used the secret passage in the barracks (for all ways there is one in a lab without a boss, and even sometimes in one with one.) to make my way back to my childhood. There it was night, and the mutineers were looking for me still. So I played along. It was my game, after all. I could beat them.

But how shall I, now?


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