Monday, August 28, 2017

Capitalism: a Definition.

All that capitalism is is the failure of communism. Wherever communism fails, communists try again, blaming not themselves but rather capitalists. Such is only appropriate, for it is not through the strength of communists but rather through the weakness of capitalists that every attempt has failed up to this day. Capitalism is the weakness; communism is the strength. Communism is the attempt; capitalism is the failure. All failed attempt at creating Utopia have been the results of greed, bullying, and ignorance. All attempts to create a true Society, wherein civilization reaches godliness, wherein no being is made to serve the purposes of an other, and wherein all are included without respect to a coercive institution – those are the project of the Communist, who must always clean up the mess left by those who are deviant from this most rational and essential of Ideals. This alone sums up Communism: that it is a way of life that works FOR ALL. NOT for the many, NOT at the expense of the FEW, and if it is ever at the expense of the MANY then it is only of the utmost ULTIMATE benefit to ALL. No higher goal can be conceived on Earth for Man, and so one must have no other drive but towards this Goal. All failures must be met with perseverance, and one can never afford to blame the project itself for its failures, for only the weaknesses of lesser people (people who would be in debt to the MERCY of Communism, but who are instead enthroned in their own LACK of it!!) can be conceived of as the cause. Their victory shall always be a fleeting one, for time and time again Nature Itself demands that the fight resume. The World must be made Clean. There can be no excuse. No one can dismiss prophecy under suspicion of false prophecy; ignorance is never justified by either fear or cynicism. Communism does not fail. Capitalism fails. Capitalism IS Human Failure, incarnate. And the creaking of its hinges can be heard like a piercing mosquito’s sopranino tone at every level of the haphazard structure that it has created for itself.


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