Wednesday, August 9, 2017


I don’t see what the ambiguity here is. After all: it was I that suffered most. I alone was left out. I alone did not get what I wanted. I alone remain entitled. Virginal and informed. I alone have a say in these matters: betrayed by those closest to me, for only the close could get so close as to betray me. And they refuse to atone, for never before were they held accountable to the well-being of their fellows. What narcissists! Honestly.

Sometimes we must accept the things that we can’t change.

There is nothing that cannot be changed. There are no “facts at hand” here. We do not look to our emotions as the reasons for our actions. We use REASON, rather, to refine our emotions, that the two might work in concert. There was nothing reasonable to what they did. And I stand solitary witness to that. Yes: I got not what I wanted. I remain entitled to it. They got ALL they wanted, and look where it got them! I cannot be blamed for their mishaps; I only ever tried to save them. But they defied me. I cannot be blamed. I did nothing wrong. And until my pain is vindicated I shall remain unmoved in my righteous position. It was simple: either she was to be with me, as I’d visibly hoped, or he was not to be with her. How could I expect the two of them to turn at once?? And what are my hopes to them? Am I alone in seeing every body’s need as an imperative, for me to nurture? How dare they accuse me of harboring self-interest, when they speak from a guilty posture? DO these vermin know so LITTLE of Service to Others that they must pretend that I was a just victim because I TOO sought some private GOAL? Well: it was never private. I had not to tell them in order for them to know. Do they honestly believe that I would have HIDDEN? Like a COWARD? NO. Never have I done that. There are no “facts” to face here. He has no authority over me. I worked only to accommodate everyone. They worked to accommodate themselves. And now they think to blame me? Have I not suffered enough, alone and outvoted, in an election I had not authorized? How dare they treat me as though I had been some LOSER? I had not even CONSENTED to PLAY. SURELY I would have won had I known that there ever COULD Have been a game between us. But they were SUPPOSED to have been both UPON MY SIDE!!


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