Tuesday, August 15, 2017



“Jada Maria she PR so as long as she not Mexican or white she good
-Jeff Dakid, YouTube commentator.

Hip-hop is the only genre of music that I can think of that uses profanity to such an absurd degree and yet whose adherents forbid members of a certain arbitrary “group” from using its language. None of Wagner’s operas are forbidden to be sung by Jews. No American Country song has a word that “black” people are not allowed to use. And yet to this day posters on YouTube deride Puerto Rican singer Jennifer Lopez for using the word “nigga” ONCE in a song penned by Ja Rule, who uses it in every one of his popular singles. And to add to the mortifying absurdity of this is that the only arguments under that original post are aimed, totally ARBITRARILY, at CONFINING USE OF THE WORD to CERTAIN ETHNIC GROUPS. This is not Trump’s GOVERNMENT that is telling people what they can or cannot say; these are AMERICAN CITIZENS who behave as though the First Amendment were of no relevance. It is small wonder but a great embarrassment that the Millennial Generation uses Trump as a scapegoat because they are the very ORIGIN of Fascism in this country, and all that Trump does to feed the flame is to build a country so privileged that the revolutionary instinct (that Ché Guevara called “genetic” in young people) is turned AGAINST one’s fellows and thereby PRESERVES the environment of insanity and prejudice that youth grow up in, especially in the Urbs.

One would think that the front line in resolving this lingering karmic embarrassment from the twentieth century would be the Social Justice department, especially as it is expressed amidst clever college kids. The post-structural and existentialist terms “essentializing” and “tokenizing” are on repeat twenty-four/seven in Debate Circles, but do Debaters do their part to protect the birth-right of every individual to the entire human lexicon? NO. In fact, they do more DAMAGE to the situation than any other group I’ve known! Ja Rule might have been okay with J. Lo using “nigga”, but your average Lincoln-Douglas Debater, pale-faced or not, would see neither the beginning nor the end of it.
Again: this Absurdity is new. Rock and roll would have only ever forbidden people to FORBID the use of profanity, going to great lengths to liberate the human tongue in all its expressions. Yet Rockers had it easy in that they actually had to contend with a prejudiced GOVERNMENT. The Government of today is not moralistic, but economic. All dogmatic ethnic prejudices TODAY begin with civilians. There can be no evidence of any sort of system of oppression in place that is not a projection of the Individual Psyche, because to displace blame onto the government is to muddle the entire investigation that begins properly with an interrogation of one’s own self: Am *I* the danger?

Of course: the first and final irony is that “nigga” is not EVEN a Black Invention. Its ancestor “nigger” is of course of white fabrication, and its origins are in “negro” (Pron. “Knee Grow”) which is a bastardization of the Spanish “negro” (“Neg Row.”). The word has EVOLVED over time, and it has not yet reached its perfection. Jennifer Lopez might very well have marked a crucial step in the further metamorphosis of this rather annoying trigger-word into the butterfly that any self-respecting linguist would like to see: a ubiquitous term of ENDEARMENT that is available to all human beings. Perhaps in the year 2025 we will hear our children calling one an other “nigger” to mean “best friend”, “brother”/“sister”, and “comrade”. But perhaps that is too much to expect of contemporary “liberal” society.

I don’t know if the Library of books written ON the N-word delve into it from an International Point of View, such as the fact that “black person” is “niegger” in conventional Russian. (This is of course a testament, if I may, to the incredible respect that Russians have all ways had for foreign cultures, for instead of restricting “black” to the native Russian “chorniy” they borrowed the Spanish word and adapted it in a fashion that, BY COINCIDENCE, as though FATED, came to the same memetic conclusion as Americans did with “nigger”. RUSSIANS, UNLIKE Americans, can respect foreign languages enough to use the Hispanophilic term liberally; AMERICANS, especially AFRICAN AMERICANS, DEMAND that you employ the Anglo-Saxon “black”.)

To top it all off is the pathos, long ago severed from any logos.
Because I am “white”.
Because I look the part.
Because one must not be “racist”.
Because I am “white” and use the word “nigger”.

The irony is that the very prejudice that was supposedly at the root of the “conception” of “nigger” (which, as I’ve established was no more a WHITE Invention than it was a Black one.) is the EXACT PREJUDICE that forbids people from using it, with Fascistic and Kafkaesque Bureaucracy. So who gets to use the word REALLY?
Because her very native TONGUE uses “negro” as a direct translation of the “politically correct” term “black”.

Thank you, J Lo, for keeping it REAL.


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