Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Letter to an Addict: A MILLENIAL MANIFESTO. {[(741 mots.)]}

I do not allow virtues to pardon vices, and I make no excuses for any shortage of virtue. There is a Way that Things Must Be, and it is the way that is most prosperous for ALL human beings, not only MOST. I do not marginalize any one. I refuse to be marginalized. No one can tell me to get over something that was an injustice. I will not be taken advantage of; no one shall profit at my expense. I do not compete; I simply serve the Greatest Good: the highest bidders in terms of virtue and value. I follow their example; I hold others to their standards. And I lead in turn accordingly.
I do not ask what I can do for my country; I ask what my country can do for me. The country is a machine. I am the human being. And my well-being reflects the well-being of ALL human beings. If I suffer, so does humanity. I will not be made to suffer FOR humanity, as though I were not Of This World. For should that be the example that I set for all others, then the system is permitted to fail. All others would either suffer accordingly, or they would suffer at my expense. Neither is permissible to me.
The good I take for granted; the bad I do not tolerate. So I was raised, and no one has given me reason to dissuade this. No underachiever has pulled me from my high horse only to beat me into the mud; they all ways paled before the shining gurus I encountered in my solitary travels through this lifetime. I cannot be pummeled with false allegations of laziness or self-interest when I have not been pulled from my station as a Saviour of Men. Mine is not only a high horse but the steed of a knight. I belong to a chivalry long ago forgotten but not lost.
That I have been blessed in ways that you were not proves only this: that you were dealt a bad hand. I can help you to recover. But not if you settle. Not if you drag me down with you. Not if you internalize the wrongs done to you and forego the rights owed to you in like kind. Not if you perpetuate the cycle of abuses by internalizing them. Not if you imitate Christ by living a “Life” that tries each day to Kill you. I will not enable you by telling you this is your lot in Life; I’d sooner feed your addiction directly, only that my charity might so disturb you that you’ll turn around and buy booze for yourself, only to find you miss my charity because it was the first thing any one ever did FOR you that was totally selfless and unconditional. And maybe you’ll quit drinking then.
All this proves is what the world owes to you still. It does not dispossess me of my own entitlement. I’m not entitled to the fruits of any action all ready forgotten. But I AM entitled to the FLOWER of the Future I’ve not yet seen. And this Flower I wish to admire, and to become, standing beside my neighbours.
I do not do this because I Can. I do this BECAUSE I MUST. I have no excuse left for myself. I have none to spare for others. And that is the extent of my frugality and miserliness. I will only ever evict the parasite. I will not call someone of Good Intent a parasite. And I can read Intent in Others as well as a can read it in my own self. They cannot hide it in pretense. And if ever I do violence to any man’s needs it is only to unmask a fraud.
Maybe this was why you started drinking: you settled for less. But I refuse to. I am much too clever, and my health will not be jeopardized. I will not use drugs to cope with the evils of the World nor to make them look less evil as a petty whore is beautified by intoxication. I will fight those evils, and if I do not save my drink for victory I shall use it to pacify my mind out in the field. It shall be the salve for my wounds and the elixir for my magick. But it is not a Spirit that shall be my God.                   


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