Thursday, August 3, 2017

Why you Should Use the Word “Nigger”.

Why you Should Use the Word “Nigger”.

“All anxieties are linguistic.” – Jacques Derrida.

A preface seems in order, not only out of concern for public accountability but all so out of consideration [f]or the Individual Reader, who is in fact my target audience and whose integrity is not mitigated by this formal conceit:

I am not black.
Neither am I white.
I have forgone all such identifications.
My ethnic background is very peculiar to me; as far as I am aware I am one of less than a dozen people with this particular cultural and genetic make-up. And neither of them, to my mind, have any substantial bearing upon my personality, except in those dim corners that most people are ardently and outspokenly apathetic about.
So there’s that.

When I first conceived of these theories, I was a student at Palomar College. I was on the Debate Team, part of a notoriously “politically correct” and, to that same degree, criminally hypocritical youth organization called the National Forensics Association. I have seen my share of contemporary American Fascism. Its contempt for both artistry and intellectualism has been of textbook status.

I was all so a student of philosophy, especially the works of Nietzsche, Camus, and Derrida. I am to this day fascinated by the role that Language plays in the construction of our Reality. It is certainly not monarchical in this respect, nor ought it to be, but its dominion is great and terrible nonetheless.

I have recently taken to use of the word “nigger” again in my poetry, and if any cause can be attributed to this it is either this one or one that contributes likewise to it: the music of Ja Rule. A classic rapper and poet of the thug tradition, who all so shares a Sun Sign with me, (the Most Musical of All the Signs: Pisces) Mr. Rule is known for blending profanity seamlessly with romantic imagery and blurring the lines betwixt violence and love. Among his main guns is the word “nigger”, but in particular its derivative form “nigga”, which follows the standard hip-hop format of dropping the “r” at the end, as in Twista, Killa, etc. (This is of course an inversion of some forms of British English that do the opposite, in whose case a subtle “r” is added to a word ending otherwise in an open “a” sound.)
As a native Russian speaker, I was taught from a young age, in honour of our rich language, not to omit vowels are consonants. I even listened to an educational Soviet song in youth, sung by a boys’ choir, about the error of “swallowing syllables”. I still remember this media to this day, as well as the various means by which it was conveyed to me.
The Cyrillic alphabet, for those of you who wish to know, contains more characters than the English alphabet, some of which are not even letters but rather symbols that are used to delineate varying degrees of hardness or softness. The Russian “R” is all so of an intrinsic hardness that makes a Spaniard saying “Honduras” sound all most laughable. And of course I mean this half-jokingly; in reality, we are probably neck and neck in terms of the severity with which we grate our tongues against our teeth at the mere thought of the letter “R”.

It follows logically that I would only drop the “r” at the end of “nigger” only VERY exceptionally, and only for a post-modern effect (an aesthetic I do not court, though I might sleep with it.). My “black” influence, from hip-hop, is tempered by the “white” influence of grammar and diction, not to mention the literature of Faulkner and Steinbeck. It is ridiculous and an insult to the artist’s hand to expect me to filter out a perfect rhyme (such as “nigger” and “trigger”, whose rhyme is only outshone by its reason, especially in both Gangsta* Rap and Social Justice circles) for a sort of lazy, Mumble-Rap “near-rhyme”. (The classic Soviet joke is “palka” and “selodka”, meaning “stick” and “herring”, respectively, and its significance in that it ALL most rhymes, but not quite.)

*As a genre, I observe “Gangsta” as distinct from “Gangster”, but this is obviously for exclusively taxonomical purposes that hold no sway on the lyrical stage.

Balance is restored aesthetically in the synthesis of both Apollo and Dionysus, Order and Chaos. Such is a theme ubiquitous throughout the Human (and even the non-Human) World, manifest in Taoism as well as in Hinduism, in Nietzsche as much as it is in Huxley, Shakespeare, or Aristotle. So it follows that my liberal use of the ubiquitous word “nigga” is tempered by the highest possible respect for its roots: “nigger”. To me, the thought that any one would employ a word NOT out of respect for its roots but out of SPITE for them is utterly barbaric. After all: without knowledge of the roots we not only lose the original meaning, but we PRESERVE it. So long as “nigga” and “nigger” are not considered simply alternate forms of pronunciation, as alike in dignity and origin as “fake” and “fuck”, then the latter maintains its archaic, “derogatory” quality whilst the former accrues all the glory owed properly to the latter. This is not an issue of “social justice”; it is simply RESPECT FOR LANGUAGE, an Ideal byfar surpassing most. Language is our bridge between the civilized and uncivilized worlds. If its role as this bridge is forgotten, then we lose the sacred harmony betwixt the civilized man and the human animal. At that point we all so lose the distinction between Freedom of Speech and Abuse of Speech, so that even the most ubiquitous of Truths go up for sale in a sort of slave trade peddled by narcissists who believe that they can say whatever they want so long as it is “socially appropriate” and “politically correct”. The nurturing ear becomes assaulted then daily by the silver tongue, and we become prisoners of language in a neurotic game orchestrated by politicians, salespeople, and sociopaths. And our own Freedom of Speech ultimately dies, as we are defined by those entities and either forbidden or allowed, based upon considerations of which we have no say, to say or not to say a given phrase.

Keep in mind that the word, in all its permutations, holds no Fixed Meaning. At the point that James Cameron becomes Night Lovell’s “nigga”, it is ubiquitous in its relevance. Every one and no one is a nigga. And in the same way that to be wary is to be aware and to beware, so it is that to be a nigga is, BY DEFINITION, to be a nigger. And that means that one is UNIVERSALLY so; if Kanye West admits to being a “nigga”, then George Bush retains the right to call him a “nigger”. There is simply no way around that. And neither is there any thing that stops me from retaining that right. It thus follows that the Law preserve the right of every individual to use that term as (s)he sees fit, so that it might evolve in its connotation and never fall into a dogmatic denotation. If the Spirit of the Law is to take precedence over the Word of the Law, then the Spirit of the Word must never be restricted BY the Law. The Law never reserved the right to judge of Souls, but only of Actions, so to call someone a “racist” is pre-legal and inferior. When I met a former neo-Nazi whilst walking with my friend D. Mendez outside of Palomar College on one sunny day, the former told us a story of how he was convicted of a “hate crime” for simply assaulting a member of a rival gang and calling him a “nigger”. Considering the content of any one classic hip-hop song, be it Regulators or Guerillas in the Mist, this proved Absurd to both me and Mr. Mendez. Vulgarity is a fact of life in all street violence, and there is NO MEANS by which Law Enforcement can put a stop to violence by restricting its expression according to an arbitration of what sorts of slurs are permitted to what people. Such a double-standard is the very ORIGIN of violence, and rightfully so, for at that point all forms of violence are, with varying degrees of potency, admittedly, a reaction to Fascism. No Police Officer or Judge retains the right to dictate what you can or cannot say; they can only tell you that you have the right to Remain Silent. And in so neurotically loquacious a culture as insists that Silence cannot be Consent (not that this claim is true) it’s only to be expected that gang violence be suffused with all sorts of insulting rhetoric. Yet this rhetoric only adds INSULT to Injury; it is not Injury IN AND OF ITS SELF. Offense is only violent to the King; the peasant has bigger worries. And the United States was supposed to be a nation not of Kings but of Peasants.


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