Monday, May 15, 2017

A Tale of Accountability. (And a Poem.)

A Tale of Accountability:

How can I take responsibility for YOUR actions? It was YOU that chose to benefit at MY expense, now how can you tell me that it was *I* who wound up in this situation of my OWN device? It clearly hurt me, so it had been YOUR mistake. How else is one to determine the righteousness of one's own actions? You can't appeal to your OWN happiness if it comes at the expense of others' misery. You cannot tell me to take responsibility for my own feelings when YOU take NO responsibility for mine. You might take responsibility for your OWN, but why should I follow your example? If I followed it by taking full responsibility for YOU, (as I did) then you would owe me the same consideration. If I followed it by taking full responsibility for my SELF, wouldn't you be bound to that example just as well, and wouldn't you, by extension, take full responsibility for ME? If I'm unhappy, I'll profess my misery all day until it abates, for that is REAL, and until my voice is heard I cannot know whether what happened was my own fault or some other's. And if I benefit, I shall express my joy likewise, for only by making it vulnerable can I know whether or not it was a Joy that I Deserved.

Expect no pardon from me.


A woman on the bus.
Hispanic. Very beautiful
But with the jawline
Of a language barrier.

She holds a child who
Cries. And I look up
At her with pity and
Concern and she

Reciprocates with
Fear and with alienation.
And she slaps her
Child as though to
Hide its merit.

Only one day
After Mother's
Day. And I only

Can look on
With pity and
With remorse.


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