Thursday, May 4, 2017

Statement of Superiority:

I have all ways been the Master. You have been the Student.
You came to me because you needed me.
But you were too arrogant to admit it.

To HIS mind, I came to him because I needed him.
But he was deluded.
It is true that I came to him for the same reasons as you came to me.
But it was not I who needed him.
He needed me.
And he too was too arrogant to admit it.

I have done more without either of you than either of you have done alone in that time.
Your lives have been reactive rather than proactive. Your situations became excuses to be unproductive.
I came to each of you seeking some sort of bond. I believed that we could produce more together than any one of us could produce alone.
I was not wrong. But neither of you held up your end.
You have both failed time and time again to keep your appointments.
Yet you folded at the earliest sign of delay, believing that I had neglected you. Only because you would have done that to me.
You took my kindness for granted.
And time and time again you have missed your opportunity for reconciliation.
It was he that refused to get the band back together.
But think not that you can use that to get the collective back together, as though I would have to share in his guilt.
It was you who made it crumble.
You have both failed me.

I came to you because she did not need me any more, it seemed.
When she first came to me she needed me.
She too was much too arrogant to admit it.
Think not that I am arrogant to accuse three different people. You all gravitated towards me for the same reasons. You self-identified with one an other in your misery, pardoning each other’s offenses only insofar as you were not yourself the offended party.
She needed me but would not heed me.
So when she needed me no longer I needed you.
But I did not need you as you needed me.
I needed you because I needed to be needed.

There is really no subtlety left to this matter.
It is not as though, for instance, my relation with him was a mutual one, but that he did not respect it as such, whereas my relationship with YOU was more of a one-way street.
All of you have failed without me. And you seem to insist upon it.
And I know that you believe this as well.
Observe our first episode. I was the Master. You were the Student.
We never finished the second episode.
And while you might insist that I grew all too comfortable with being Master, so I had to cancel the project at the earliest sign of insubordination, it was you that had grown too discomfortable. That was why* I had, as always, to constantly remind you to be careful. And I had constantly to entertain excuses because of what YOUR life had become. Yet you could not respect me for what I had made of mine. You could only blame me as he did and treat me with insolence and disrespect.
I saw this when you spent the night. And your own DREAM evidenced it!
In your dream I am the person who shelters you in material success.
I was all ways this figure in your dreams.
I was the Shaman.
She was right:
I was the Shaman.
He was the suburban.
And you are the suburban too.


*One can infer the cause from the effect, even if the effect is a response all ready to the Subconscious Cause.

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