Monday, May 8, 2017

The Elitist Manifesto: Part One.

French is the language of love.

German is a language of power.

(Spanish is a language of work.)

Elitism is the way of love.

Love is two people condescending upon one an other constantly.

Egalitarianism is the way of war.

All the soldiers in an army are the same, from the perspective of their unseen master.

Power rests below Love.

Hence egalitarians envy elitists.

And their envy shows in the attempt to bring elitists down to the egalitarian level, rather than elevating the elitist to an egalitarian level.

The dwellers of a village live beside a mountain. They are content to dwell; as the American idiom indicates, to dwell is to settle, and both are to stop growing.

So it is interesting that we call the early American colonists "dwellers" and "settlers".

Introversion and extraversion are ostensibly distributed evenly throughout disparate cultures. Yet certain cultures are "proverbially reticent", whereas others are "gregarious" and "outgoing."

America is the latter. Though they suffer from rugged individualism. Their elitism is that of the egalitarian who falsely believes egalitarianism to be the higher of the two ways.

This does contradict my earlier claim that this is not so. But it may be so in semblance even if it is not so in actuality.

All so, I was speaking on behalf of rational Americans previously, rather than on behalf of the American military.

Egalitarians try to solve the philosophical problems of the Absurd and the Paradox by accusing all people who point out contradiction of being condescending, as though condescension were a crime, sin, or cliche, passé faux pas.

Yet even then they point out contradiction!

And how condescending they seem in their hypocrisy!!


The extroverted dweller craves success within the walls of the village. These walls are illusory. But the persistence of the illusion arouses shock in the dweller who finds himself in the sudden company of an outsider.

The village sustains its self either by cooperation or by competition. Both are conformist attitudes. The inclination of the village towards one end or the other establishes the identity of the village in contrast with other villages.

The introvert takes his leave of the village. He ascends the mountain. As he ascends the task becomes more laborious.

The hardest mountain to climb is one's own karma. All of one's peers are inherited by that force of inertia that is called karma. If they do not transcend themselves, they must be transcended.

The rewards of self-transcendence are exemption from the collective blame and sin of the the collective. Yet should one set foot once more within the village one shall become an instant scapegoat.

To reach that point upon the mountain that one is invisible to the village: it is to reach that point in childhood before there was a past, if only for a few seconds in the temporary world.

To brainwash one's own self: it is the only clean way to treat the mind.

The root word "vulgar" refers to the "public".


Wrongs do not cease to be wrong by becoming popular.

Rights do not cease to be rights by being outvoted.

Better that one thousand people die instantly than for one man to ever be tortured. This is non-negotiable. The person who would sooner die in a crowd is superior to the one who would torture an other. Even if this latter claims that he would sooner be tortured than to allow "innocent" people to die, he risks the torture of an innocent to avoid the death of his body and its ego. He forgets in his egoism that he too might end up tortured. And presented with this possibility he brags of his own guilt, exempting himself yet again from the proverbial "innocent mass". Where is this vainglorious self-confidence when he actually finds himself in the torture chair? He admits to his own victimhood, pretending towards innocence! If any thing was ever gained by the building of the Bronze Bull, it was that it taught us a lesson; the very man who cast it was the first to meet his doom in this sadistic contraption of the inferior mind.
This story evidences two presuppositions on the part of the egalitarian:
That one is all ways innocent in the Mass.
And that it is dishonourable to die innocently, alongside one's fellows.
It is apparently better to die jaded and alone!
So who is the actual elitist?! Who is desperate to be set apart, even to the point of cruelty towards others?! Who, in his self-entitlement, presumes that he shall never become the victim, or that he will, becoming the victim, never crack?
The argument itself all ready is the process of cracking. Any one who cracks under torture reveals the Truth, even if the torture does not have that explicit aim.
The underlying Truth of egalitarianism is weakness.


Better that one hundred people pay one dollar each than for one to pay one hundred.

Facts do not cease to be facts because they are ignored.

Facts are revealed only in private.
Opinions alone are revealed by the public.
When two people can arrive at a fact together, privacy has turned to intersubjectivity and relationship has begun.

When this fact is made subordinate to popular opinions then relationship has ended.

These facts do not require public warrants. They require neither logic nor empirical evidence.

They belong to the initiated.

Any one can climb this mountain.

The test of adulthood is privacy.


I have said that Spanish is the language of work. This will offend some popular sensibilities in direct proportion to its truth.

How could you accuse me of prejudice if it were not true that Spanish-speakers are excellent workers?

To presume that it is not BECAuSE they speak Spanish that they are so diligent is to make a one-sided and barbaric epistemological presumption. It is fascistic.


The definition of a "good mixer" is a device for blending beverages. At worst it can cut your hand.


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