Wednesday, May 3, 2017


TRANSCENDANCE: (A Modern Taoist Tale.)

They told me to do what I was good at.
I have three skills:
Playing, thinking, and writing.
Thinking I was most recognized for.
They all so told me to write each time that I saw something to upset me.
Actions speak more loudly than words, but less subtly.
And at any rate the use of words is the most effective and civilized action.
So I combined my three skills.
And I wrote a thoughtful play.

No one has read it yet, to my knowledge.
It is Shakespearean in its length.

I have been single for the past seven years, through no fault of my own.
My track record evidences that I have adhered with stringent observation to every moral dictate that was put before me.
Receptively and with femininity I have absorbed these dictates as a sponge absorbs water.
Actively and with masculinity I have synthesized them, with ardour, into an entirely unique set of Morals.
And I have disowned all who contradict them. Thus I am on the verge of actualizing the project I began in childhood: that of becoming-Adult.
Yet I have yet to master the feminine arts, for I have not yet performed the physical act of love.
In these times mastery is rare. Women in their naïveté presume that the simple act of MAKING a decision ensures its rightfulness.
They are mistaken. Time and time again they choose the man of inferior virtue.
And time and time again he fails to keep them, for he can never transcend HIMSELF in the carnal act.
Any victory won by malice is a failure long before the victor sees it for what it is.

I have it on the authority of the last woman that I loved that I know more about sex than either she nor the [boy] she slept with, a treacherous former associate of mine.
This is significant considering that I have never had it.

It is not my hatred but rather my love for women that has put me in this posture.
I simply do not loathe my SELF. Were I to blame my self I would invite all others towards self-flagellation, by example. And that would be a cruel example to set, not merely an example OF cruelty but rather also cruelty BY example.
It is better that one hundred people own up to their infractions than one scapegoat has to bear the burden of their collective sin.
I would rather that one hundred people contribute a dollar each than one man have to pay one hundred towards the same end. (Granted that the end is selfless, of natural course.)

Collective sin is the herd mentality.
We are social beings. We follow examples.
Some times we follow a poor one.

A tree grows not by pruning but by watering.
A tree exemplifies the glory of the human project.
And trees are in that sense more human than we.

Trees are the essence of the Earth STRIVING towards Heavenly Heights.
Trees are distinct in their roles from viruses and other parasites.
A parasite does not WAIT PATIENTLY to RECEIVE.
It lives only to destroy its host.
And then to PROPAGATE.
It is no coincidence that the word “Propaganda” mimmicks “propagation”.
Those most desperate to reproduce all so spread lies as effectively and affectively as they distribute their seed.

A tree does not sabotage. It does not GO OUT TO GET any thing.
It simply grows. It is rooted in its home. It strives towards excellence with saintly consistency.
Its seeds fall upon the soil of its birth-right.
A tree needs no means of conveyance.
It only needs the Love of the Sun and the Moon, without whom its World would topple.

And we do not depend upon viruses as we depend upon trees.

Life is an alchemical metamorphosis.
What begins as self-pity can be cultivated and transmuted into solemnity and dignity.
Insult too can be transmuted into laughter. Offense turns to camaraderie.
But all of it depends upon intent.
All trees strive towards the same sky.
If two individuals cannot find a common motive overlying all their petty differences, then it is all ways because one of them has fallen.
The tree that is weak and falls into the swamp is promptly inhabited by parasites.
And as the host becomes a den of thieves, so the tree turns into a living viral factory.
The Internet is viral.
Our memetic culture is parasitic.
Hence we think little when we see the barbarism done unto TREES.
I had to write this, in order to be consistent with my promises to my self.
Yet I could not tell my self that I was honouring such a promise by writing this.
Because I would have been embarrassed to fall so short of my original aims.
It was only upon completion that I saw the Truth:
That by honouring this promise I TRANSCENDED those original aims and SURPASSED my quota.
Yet think not that you can sin and rely upon the whims of other sinners to validate your goodness.
To do good without conscious intent is miles from doing bad with bad intent expecting to take credit for the goodness of others.
And to aggrandize one’s own good luck is not to be confused with virtue.
It is not an example all can follow.
And by pardoning such an abuse one simply exploits the next class of innocents.
Each day one heals from a wound that is not allowed to fester.
A man who has “moved on” must not forget that future victims have not yet grown such a skin.
And THEIR abuse would worsen under the weight of his absurd pardon.
One should never be made to tolerate parasitism.
But beware: the parasite all ways blames the host.
To do good without conscious intent is only made possible by consciously owning one’s goodness. Then one’s pure, childlike nature can again become intuitive, as Second Nature.

This is the principle of non-aggression, or Wu Wei.
We are on the verge of the Ending of a Yuga Cycle.
Prophecies indicate that at this time the Good will grow Better and the Evil shall grow Worse.
Choose a side.
That discernment is the sum of masculinity.
Masculinity is measured not by contrast to feminity…
But by union with it.
And that alone is the fulfillment of the sexual act.
The act of sex is not an act of personal fulfillment.
That is barbarism. That is rape.
The act of sex is the fulfillment of sex its self.
And in that process man and woman disappear.

The androgyne is in a state of constant orgasm.
Meditate upon this, if you will.
Because we are all androgynes.
No one was ever born into the wrong category.
Categories are simply conventions.
Sex is not a category.
It is the embodiment of an Essence, like Good or Evil.
And each of two essences contains its opposite.
A True Man need not be an empiricist.
The pursuit of evidence is a futility.
It is an excuse to propagate and to be viral.

If your reckless pursuit of the Truth has brought you here, congratulations.
You have arrived. This is the end.
Are you not content?


1 comment:

  1. Precisely 1234 words, and without prior conscious planning. (Save for the parenthetical subtitle, which I had meant to omit prior to the 1230 figure catching my eye. This subtitle had all ready been four words in length, so I added it to the all ready synchronous 1230 figure to complete the puzzle.) Dm.A.A.
