Thursday, May 4, 2017

Tale of Totality:

Tale of Totality.

There is apparently
Some thing actually wrong with you. Cognitively or affectively, or both, I know not.
I have placed in your care, and on a generous whim, my copy of the first Harry Potter book.
Obviously it has value to me.
And I have instructed you to return it.
You have met none of my more farfetched standards. And that is only because it is impossible. It would only have been possible were you not such a liar.
I thought you would be wise enough to return my book by now. I have told you how to do so.
I am not afraid of the world. I simply do not intend to waste any more time.
Return it now. And do it in the fashion I instructed.

What is the matter with you any way?
You behave as though I were at fault when it is you that has failed me.
Your primary authority in this matter is of course me. It cannot be yourself.
If you DEFY me, then how can you accuse me of narcissistic motives? It was YOUR choice to surrender your humanity and your civility, which are both predicated upon service towards others.
This is not just a path to reach a goal.
This is an inextricable duty.
If you turn from it, you can judge no one.
So you can have no reason to defy me.
It would only ever reflect upon YOU.
Return my tome.
I will not ask so kindly ever again.

I am not a narcissist.
I understand your position.
In fact: I understand better than YOU do.
I see from it my own position as an Other.
And I know how I would treat this Other were it up to me in your position.
And then I see my self from my own position.
And I see you from this position.
And you refuse.
So there is some thing wrong.
Apparently you fail to see me as an Other.
Or you fail to perceive this Other to be an end in and of its self.
So that is your own retardation then.
You are the narcissist.
That much was all ways clear.

Why is it not so to your so-called friends?
May be it's comforting to have no one to answer to.
But you will answer to me now.

I will convey this to you in the only manner that I know how to convey this to you:

Do not do this to yourself.
You are going to suffer more greatly if you refuse.
Your demands have been totalitarian and absurd. I will not be made to share in that guilt with you. I have only to consult my own conscience, as demonstrated above, to know who it is that is REALLY at fault.
(I need only know my own rights.)
If you do not shed this passive-aggressive display of emasculated power drives, then it will end up hurting you more than it can hurt me.
You have no idea what I am capable of.
Because you are the retard.
And you know it.


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