Monday, May 22, 2017

Deconstructing Pluto: The Notorious Scorpio Unmasked.

It is not uncommon to find tripe on Google Images. On one occasion, I searched for “Nazi philosophers” and got Friedrich Nietzsche as my primary result.
For rather personal reasons I did a search on “Scorpio Woman”. This was my first result:

Of course, any thing so cursory, unless it is a famous quotation, will usually appeal to the delusions of the Ego. Yet perhaps, as Life has taught me brutally and incomprehensibly, this peculiar set of delusions is difficult for people to unriddle.
For me, it is not. Scorpio is of all the signs the most akin to the Wizard of Oz. It is the sign that finds fault with all of humanity and yet manages in the same breath to cite a narcissist’s Godlike self-conception.
And people BELIEVE it!

Now: there are plenty of truly fascinating things ABOUT Scorpio. But what is worse than being fooled by one? It is to allow her to fool herself. At that point, it does not matter whether or not she actually self-identifies with the veneer; you have given her excuses for neuroticism.

It follows karmically that I should dispossess readers of this Romantic Inflation. The ideal set forth is seldom met, and when it is fallen short of the Scorpio is either trying to construct the personality from the roof down, hoping that persona will become fact, or otherwise she is simply fronting and mirroring to hide an agenda or (more likely) a complete cacophony of confusion.

1.   I don’t sit around feeling sorry for myself…
You probably don’t. You probably LIE around, passed out drunk or high until your next spike of energy prompts you down a dark corridor without a map or flashlight. And then you plan revenge just so that God and the World can feel sorry for you as well.
And it works.

2.   … nor let people mistreat me.
This will relate to an other point about victimhood.
You cannot attest to “mistreatment” by precluding the existence of a victim; the latter literally is the ground for determining and ascertaining the former. “Mistreatment” all so implies a moral dictate that all beings are obligated to follow; it cannot be arbitrary.

3.   I don’t respond to people who dictate to me or try to bring me down.
The same sentence? Really?
People who “try to bring you down” are leveling with you. Sometimes it truly is conformism and you should want no part in it. (Though you probably shouldn’t listen to a statement of “should”, according to your own criterion.) Other times it is a warning to stop messing up your life. It is well-intentioned; if the other person knew what havoc you might wreak upon HIS life, he would probably not be around long enough for you to get the friendly warning.
Conversely, people who “dictate to you” are not trying to BRING you DOWN but rather to PULL YOU UP. You might find yourself in a deeply amoral, nihilistic swamp (what else do you expect of Fixed Water?) and people are offering you advice to help yourself. Again: this is before they realize the full impact that you might have upon THEIR well-being.

4.   If I fall I will rise up even stronger…
Not really. You will rise up more paranoid, more disillusioned, more suicidal, and more likely to repeat the cycle of abuse.

5.   … because I am a survivor and not a victim.
Again: you cannot be mistreated if you are not at least potentially a victim. You need not have the victim MENTALITY, but you CERTAINLY are not immune to the suffering that is the result of the wrongdoing of others. Neither is this some thing that you need to tolerate. But NEITHER should you be so bold as to PRESUME that you can all ways take action against it. Often you will need help from others, and it will usually be in learning to Let GO. This sign seems to be the most troubled of all of them, and most of its pain is self-inflicted. The Will to Power – to control situations Absolutely – has the tiny caveat that it tends to ENCROACH RUTHLESSLY UPON OTHERS’ LIVES. This may be under false auspices at first, but it EXPLOITS the KINDNESS of people – who are trying honestly to help – by reducing them to means towards ends who do not even have a say in their own motives.
Trust is a strength. It is not a weakness.
Consider the earlier statement that you do not “LET people mistreat you”. What does that mean?
If you are a “survivor” rather than a “victim”, have you been mistreated, really? Admit that you have not. But of course that is not hard to admit if you never LET people mistreat you.
But how can you prevent it? How would you even KNOW what mistreatment were? You could learn from others, though you would not be learning from the mistakes of the victims so much as that of their oppressors. And what are you doing standing on the sidelines then?
To be a victim is not a mistake. To trust requires courage. To violate an other’s trust requires only cowardice.
Perhaps you know what mistreatment is because YOU are the oppressor? You admit that your pain is self-inflicted. But why should WE admit that OUR pain is self-inflicted? You clearly aim to control US, for there is NOTHING YOU CAN’T DO.

6.   I am in control of my life and there is nothing I can’t achieve.
Woah, there, Caesar.
Glamorous as that image is that is a gross overvaluation of the conscious will, TO PUT IT ACADEMICALLY.
If you could have that sort of power, all other beings in your domain would have to answer to your tyranny. You would LITERALLY be the source of all their problems. It would not follow logically from your self-infliction that we too are self-inflicted. It would RATHER follow that we too are afflicted by YOU, as YOU are, because that’s all that it’s about for YOU. Isn’t it?
Admit it: any monarchical consciousness is entirely self-centred. And to that same degree it is totally self-destructive.

This is what you really mean to say, then:
When you “don’t let people mistreat you” you are really putting up a FRONT. You don’t GET mistreated because you are so busy preventing it. This leaves you lonely and starved for company and attention, so you claw at it by PRETENDING to have been mistreated. You often actually believe this pretense, because you are so paranoid. It comes with the territory of treating people with prejudice. Once you have severed ties with humanity, you will experience the effects of alienation and they will be sublimated onto any Other who does not act in accordance with that All Mighty Caesarian Will.
The “front” is that you are NOT weak but STRONG: a SURVIVOR, not a VICTIM. I’ll table discussion on the ironical terminology to get to the murky heart of the matter: you believe yourself to be a victim SECRETLY, even though you never LET that happen to you, effectively adopting the VICTIM MENTALITY. Then you repeat the self-inflicted abuse by abusing OTHERS who possess the virtues of Availability, Trust, and Vulnerability in greater quality than you do (and that is not hard to come by, even in THIS day and age). FINALLY, you pretend towards blamelessness by telling them to emulate YOU in your self-responsible machismo.
Because you are a SURVIVOR.
But now let’s address the tabled topic:
To be a “survivor” LITERALLY MEANS that you SURVIVED some thing. All that means is that you are not dead, despite a misfortune.
MOST of the misfortunes in your life you will SURVIVE!
You would have to be living in a bed of roses otherwise.
If the first bad thing that happens to you kills you, you are OUTRAGEOUSLY lucky.
If the SECOND bad thing that happens to you kills you, consider it a welcome relief from the first.
If the THIRD bad thing that happens to you kills you, then all ready MOST OF THE BAD THINGS THAT HAVE HAPPENED TO YOU YOU HAVE SURVIVED. CONGRATULATIONS.
And it will continue this way until that ONE event, out of the few or many, that ends your life. And this is fairly standard for people.

Nothing about “being a survivor” is tough or intimidating or masculine.
None of it is really sensitive or beautiful or feminine, either.
It is a matter of fact.

VICTIMHOOD, on the other hand, is very real and very scary.
It is the imposition of an other’s Will upon a blameless self.
We have established: there ARE NO MISDEEDS if there IS NO VICTIM.

So may be you are not a victim.
But you are PROBABLY a masochist and by extension a sadist.
So you know about victimhood only what your own misdeeds have produced.
You “survive” at the expense of people YOU mistreat.

Unless you are an exception.
And then you will admit that this photograph is…


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