Friday, May 26, 2017



All life carries intrinsic meaning.

The fetus is all ready a human being.
It does not have gender when it is still vulnerable to abortion.
Thus abortion is not a women’s issue but a human issue.
It is literally the only human issue that is neither a women’s issue nor a men’s issue.
Because life matters, abortion is immoral.
This is not a matter of individual discernment.
It is Universal to Human Beings and ubiquitous to Rational Beings.
Part of female identity must be the exceptional care that she takes of her body, only because it might bear a child.
No feminist interested in distributing pity amidst rape victims wants to help the woman to prevent rape in the first place.
It is too embarrassing to admit to a part in the victimhood. So the irrational prejudice acts as a demeaning evil whose aid must come late and all ways depends upon the existence of victims. Such a necessity on the part of the organization produces the fatalism that characterizes misandry. Hence men are falsely convicted of being rapists. The alienation that they experience as a result produces the rapist.
The affirmation of life as having intrinsic meaning ends this cycle of abuse.
Abuse towards the unborn child is literally the karma whose other end rests in abuse of the woman.
Older institutions prevented both with greater success than we can find in the present.
Feminism is predicated upon the presupposition that women are capable of Reason.
Egalitarianism indicates that every one must have an equal opportunity at the Truth.
Thus egalitarian feminism must conclude that logical conclusions are Universal and available to all Rational Beings who simply choose to avail of them.
There are no women’s issues or men’s issues. The very notion is sexist.
There are only human issues.
Abortion is the topic that transcends the distinction.
Abortion is Universally immoral.

Parenthood is all ways a choice.
Childhood is all ways a fate.
Children cannot be called selfish by default.
They pursue their needs at all costs.
But selfishness is not the pursuit of needs.
It is the pursuit of wants at the EXPENSE of others’ needs.
To learn discernment is to learn to distinguish needs from wants.
Selfishness is all so characterized by AGGRESSION.
Only some children show early signs of aggression.
These signs are independent in many cases of upbringing.
Many children need not be aggressive to have their needs met.
They are those whose parents did their job.
If they are aggressive any way, it is because they are pursuing wants rather than needs.
This behavior must be prohibited.
Any one who fails to absolves himself of any right to judge of children.

If sex is suspected often as a motive, this prejudice can only be justified if sex is acknowledged as a need.
If sex is a need, it follows that it is a right towards which one is entitled.
Only by protecting needs can one discern selfishness from altruism, for failure to do so would be the pursuit of a desire at an other’s expense. This would threaten the entire moral fabric that preserves Humanity.

An injustice does not cease to be an injustice because it is vocalized.
Facts do not cease to be facts because they are ignored.

Contemporary thought daemonizes the rapist for pursuing his needs.
This is ostensibly childish behavior.
Yet that accusation is daemonizing of the very INNOCENT people that children are.
In fact: to be a “victim” of rape one must still be a child, because an adult woman should, as previously explained, take precautions.
Feminism suggests that “don’t rape” and “don’t get raped” are distinct.
Yet this is a false duality from the perspective of the unborn fetus.

If life does not have intrinsic value, every thing is permissible.
If rationality is not Universal, any thing can be rationalized.
One has no alternative but to admit to the Universality of Logic.
It is not Universality that threatens the human being, but Relativism.
The rapist would in THEORY regard his logic as Universal.
Yet if we permit Relativism to take the place of Universalism then he needs not even a defense. All logic is relative to HIM.

The rapist has rights.
His rights are to have his needs met and to find Equality with all of non-celibate Humanity.
Preferential treatment has robbed him.
Hypocrisy has made him a scapegoat.
But his attitude follows logically from moral decay within the social system that condemns him.

If he cannot retain his rights, neither can his victim.
In that sense, victim and assailant are one.
The assailant actualizes this oneness via the violent act.
Yet the violence is unnecessary if the Need is acknowledged as Right to begin with.

So rape cannot be an exceptional justification for abortion.
Abortion would have therefore to justify rape.
Yet it is preferable to acknowledge the Universal Value of Life.
Only then can one put an end to the violence.

This is what it means to value human rights.

The conventional view is that women are incapable of Reason and misconstrue aggression as self-entitlement. The view continues to suggest that aggression is necessary to receive sexual satisfaction on the parts of both parties.
This is what “rape culture” signifies.
To be dispossessed of this view, we must conclude that aggression is unnecessary.
We must substantiate it by behaving like trees rather than parasites: receiving, giving, but never taking.

We must all so therefore be careful that we do not hold people to double-standards for hormonal reasons. Encouraging activity in deed that one discourages in word is a form of hypocrisy. If “self-entitlement” is rewarded, it becomes justified. And the rapist finds a rational excuse. The act of violence is deduced from the premise. The deduction is valid. It is only the premise that is false.

Such matters must be handled at their core.

The solution to inequality in sexual practice is Trust.
No ideology can produce Trust.
It is a choice on the part of the Individual.

Trust dissolves boundaries and prejudices in a way that does not require force.
Trust is the affirmation of the Intrinsic Value of Life.
It protects all.

Thus we must remember that the World owes us something. And we owe something to the World. If Life is to be preserved as an Intrinsic (rather than arbitrary) Value, it must be acknowledged as an Intrinsic Imperative.

Otherwise we remain children in the lesser sense.

To be a Child in the Greater Sense is to be well-integrated and blameless.
One-sidedness is a mark of barbarism.
The mark of a civilization’s character is in how it treats its children.

Taking only what we need, we become patient.
Feeding the needs of the neighbor, except when REASON forbids us to, we become safe.

All scapegoating is the result of a lack of Integration.
The alpha male projects weakness upon the beta male.
The hyperfeminine woman projects evil upon hypermasculine men.
One is not born a rapist.
One becomes one by being perceived as one.
Such is sociology.

Become again as children if you wish to see the Kingdom.


This was written from the proud perspective of a detached and celibate observer.

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